Copy and Paste Notes Field

Forums Classic DFFS Copy and Paste Notes Field

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    • #16557
      Bryan Waldrop

      I am using DFFS to “auto document” selections made in the form to the notes field by using the Set field value in rules.

      At the completion of the form I would like to offer the user an option button the selects all of the notes and copies to clipboard for pasting into another system.

      I have the button setup and appearing on the form ready to run the custom JS function.

      <input id="btnNumber1" class="customBtn" type="button" value="Copy Notes" onclick="copytext()">

      But I am not sure what the function copytext() would look like for Call_x0020_Notes?

      Any ideas?

      • This topic was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Bryan Waldrop.
    • #16609
      Bryan Waldrop

      Found this clipboardjs
      Looks promising but have still not been able to figure out how to pass field value to it.

    • #16611
      Bryan Waldrop

      I created a button associated with a function:

      <input id="btnNumber1" class="customBtn" type="button" value="Copy Notes" onclick="copytext()">

      It is easy enough to create a function placing the field value in a variable

      function copytext(){
      var notes = getFieldValue("Call_x0020_Notes");

      I got the developer Zeno to comment that the imperative API would be the way to go.

      clipboard.js / demo / function-target.html

      But I am not sure what to do it with it.
      Any ideas?

      • This reply was modified 7 years, 2 months ago by Bryan Waldrop.
    • #16620
      Bryan Waldrop

      Ended up not using the clipboardjs. This worked for me.

      function copyNotesToClip()
                              var txtNotes = getFieldValue('Call_x0020_Notes');
      			if( window.clipboardData && window.clipboardData.setData ) {
      			   window.clipboardData.setData("Text", txtNotes);
      $(spjs.dffs.fields["Call_x0020_Notes"]).find('.ms-formbody').append("<button class='customBtn' onclick='copyNotesToClip();return false'>Copy Notes</button>"); 
    • #16624
      Alexander Bautz

      I’m glad you figured it out – I have a bit to much at the moment so I’m falling behind on the follow-up.

      Best regards,

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