Clear Selected Options from multiselect

Forums Cascading dropdowns Clear Selected Options from multiselect

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  • Author
    • #34875
      Bryan Waldrop

      How do you programmatically clear all selected options from a cascading drop down multiselect?

      I want to do this in the new form before save if the option for making the available option appear is unselected.

      Thank you!

    • #34880
      Alexander Bautz

      Not sure what you mean, but to clear the hidden field that holds the values you use this function:

      setFieldValue("Name_of_field", "");

      This will not clear the “visible” selected values, but the value that is saved will be empty.


    • #34881
      Bryan Waldrop

      Thank you!

      I also found this solution to clear visible selections:


      Where my field name is Selection2

      • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Bryan Waldrop.
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