I am using a choice menu field in SharePoint that has three option buttons; Yes, No and N/A.
The standard layout is the three option buttons to be displayed vertically above each other. Does anyone know how to lay the three option buttons horizontally?
When using the radio or checkboxe options in multiple columns, would there be any way of providing a comment field at the side of the option boxes to save creating an additional field for comments?
This field type does not support adding additional information, but you can use the side-by-side functionality in DFFS to place a text field to the right of your radio button field.
Not sure I follow. This thread is from 2016 so your DFFS version is many years newer than the one referred in this discussion. What functionality is it you are missing?
What kind of field is this? – all choice columns of type “Radio Buttons” and “Checkboxes (allow multiple selections)” should be listed here. If it does not, please show me a screenshot of the field from List settings > Edit Column and also how it shows in the form.