Child list is – Loading always…

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    • #38003

      I have 2 lists. List A and List B. Where List B is the child of list A. I have configured the vLookUp. I am trying to add multiple child items to the parent item. But for some reason, when I add the New Child Item, the parent item for doesn’t show it unless I hit refresh. Am I missing something on vLookUp Config?

    • #38008
      Alexander Bautz

        To answer that I must see the vLookup configuration (export and attach as txt or screenshot the full configuration).


      • #38027
        Alexander Bautz

          Sorry, I missed your reply. The problem is that you in the “Build query” part queries the child list for items where the field _vLookupParentID is equal to the current items ID, but you are not transferring the ID to the child item in the “Prefill values in child”.

          If you want to use the parent items ID to link to the child items you must change this line

          From _vLookupID to _vLookupParentID


          From ID to _vLookupParentID

          Alternatively you can change the Build query “Search value” from [currentItem:ID] to [currentItem:_vLookupID]


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