Check if document in doc. library is check-out when loading/submitting EditForm

Forums Classic DFFS Check if document in doc. library is check-out when loading/submitting EditForm

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  • Author
    • #17256
      Michal Riha

      Hi Alexander,
      is it possible to check if document stored in document library is check-out (someone is edditing this document) when someone else wants to open/submit EditForm for this document?
      I found SP.File.checkOutType property (sp.js) but do not know how to use it.
      Thanks a lot

    • #17325
      Alexander Bautz

      This property is not available by default in DFFS, but you can use a query like this in the custom js:

      var checkedOut = false;
      var checkedOutRes = spjs.utility.getItemByID({"listName":_spPageContextInfo.pageListId,"id","viewFields":["CheckoutUser"]});
      if(checkedOutRes.CheckoutUser !== null){
          checkedOut = true;
      // Use the checkedOut variable to do something here

      Hope you can use this snippet.


    • #17422
      Michal Riha

      Hi Alexander,
      thanks, this works perfectly,
      but only in case when use “check out” from local menu. Is it possible to determine if document is edited – open in MS office/OWA in edit mode?
      I cannot use force check out due to some workflow problems.


    • #17435
      Alexander Bautz

      Sorry, but I don’t know how to detect if a document is edited if the document library doesn’t require checkout – and the document therefore hasn’t actually been checked out.


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