Change default unique value message

Forums Classic DFFS Change default unique value message

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    • #22297

      Is there a way within DFFS to modify the default error message for a unique value field?

      Searched online but all of the examples require adding a webpart to the newform page and I’m not sure how to translate those over for custom JS or if there was a DFFS value I could use.

      Here’s one of the examples:

      <a href="http://[yoursource]/jquery-1.11.2.min.js">http://[yoursource]/jquery-1.11.2.min.js</a>
      $("span[class=ms-formvalidation]:contains('This value already exists')").text('[Insert whatever message you want here...]');
      • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by CinderGirl.
      • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by CinderGirl.
    • #22303

      Sigh… I keep putting the block of code in, selecting it, then click the CODE button and it puts apostrophes around it, but when I save it still changes the code. Just FYI since it looks funky.

    • #22323
      Alexander Bautz

      The problem is that this error doesn’t exist until you try to save. To work around this you can try this in you custom js:

      function dffs_PreSaveAction(){
          var ticker = 0, interval = setInterval(function(){
              if(ticker > 100){
                  jQuery("'This value already exists in the list.')").html("New value...");
                  ticker += 1;


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