Cascading Dropdowns losing dffs-formvalidation class

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    • #7618

        I am having an issue with required fields losing the dffs-formvalidation class when they are cascading dropdown fields. I have tried making them required at the list level as well as via DFFS rules. They are still required fields but the * is not present so the user doesn’t know they are required until they try to save. Any ideas?

        DFFS Frontend v4.269
        DFFS Backend v4.260
        CSS version: 4.02
        spjs-utility version: 1.206
        Cascading dropdowns plugin v3.3

      • #7627

          I think I caused my own problem. Sorry for any confusion.

          1. I had a field called FIELD1 that was a cascading drop down
          2. I added custom JS to change the label
          a. $(fields[‘FIELD1’]).find(“.ms-formlabel h3”).text(“Field 1 Friendly”);
          3. It no longer appeared to be required

          1. I updated the jquery to include the * in the renamed label
          2. I added jquery to make the * red

          $(fields[‘FIELD1’]).find(“.ms-formlabel h3”).text(“Field 1 Friendly *”);

          $(“h3”).each(function() {
          var html = $(this).html().replace(/\*/g, “<span class=\”asterisk\”>*</span>”);
          $(this).html(html).find(“.asterisk”).css(“color”, “red”);

          • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Kasey.
          • This reply was modified 9 years, 10 months ago by Kasey.
        • #8772
          David S Kaimann

            I’m experiencing a similar issue; however, I haven’t customized any JavaScript / jQuery. The Asterisk is missing in Internet Explorer, but not FireFox. Any ideas why this would be happening only in Internet Explorer?

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