CAML Query Assistance for vLookup

Forums Classic DFFS CAML Query Assistance for vLookup

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    • #25649

      I have ZERO experience with CAML… but this is the last piece to finish the Shift Report project that you helped so much with.

      I need to use this in a vLookup, but either I get
      Code 1 – Pulls ALL DateV comparison matches but does not filter on Employee
      Code 2 – Pulls only the Employee needed but does not filter on the DateV match

      This is Code 1 – Pulls ALL DateV comparison matches but does not filter on Employee

              <FieldRef Name='StartDateV_x0023_'  />
              <Value Type='Number'>[currentItem:ShiftDateV_x0023_]</Value>
              <FieldRef Name='EndDateV_x0023_'  />
              <Value Type='Number'>[currentItem:ShiftDateV_x0023_]</Value>
              <FieldRef Name='Employee_x002a_0'  />
              <Value Type='Text'>[currentItem:Staff_x0020_Name]</Value>

      This is the Code 2 – Pulls only the Employee needed but does not filter on the DateV match

                      <FieldRef Name='Employee_x002a_0' />
                      <Value Type='Text'>[currentItem:Staff_x0020_Name]</Value>
              <FieldRef Name='StartDateV_x0023_'  />
              <Value Type='Number'>[currentItem:ShiftDateV_x0023_]</Value>
              <FieldRef Name='EndDateV_x0023_'  />
              <Value Type='Number'>[currentItem:ShiftDateV_x0023_]</Value>
      • This topic was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by Notrega.
    • #25658

      Forgot to add – the DateV field is the day# of the year… 6/9/2019 = 160
      The DateV is meant to check to see if the ShiftDateV falls between the Start/End DateV

    • #25659
      Alexander Bautz

      Thanks for feeding my piggy bank!

      To check if a date falls between two dates you must use a CAML like this – using an ISO 8601 date format (Please note that both the tags are in the top):

                  <FieldRef Name='StartDateV_x0023_' />
                  <Value IncludeTimeValue="False" Type='DateTime'>2019-01-01</Value>
                  <FieldRef Name='EndDateV_x0023_' />
                  <Value IncludeTimeValue="False" Type='DateTime'>2019-01-01</Value>
                  <FieldRef Name='Employee_x002a_0' />
                  <Value Type='Text'>[currentItem:Staff_x0020_Name]</Value>

      This mean you must get your “ShiftDateV_x0023_” field to hold a date in the above format: 2019-01-01 if you want to use it like [currentItem:ShiftDateV_x0023_] in your CAML.


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