Blank first line in vLookup multiline text

Forums vLooup for SharePoint Blank first line in vLookup multiline text

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  • Author
    • #20514
      Phil Grant

      I have a strange issue with the display of the vLookup rows in my parent form.
      The field is a multiline text and when shown on the parent form there is always a blank line at the top, I set the multiline to multiline with 1 line but then the entries in the parent form look blank, I’m assuming it’s the blank line showing?

      I then set the field to a single line of text but is there another way to use multiline and not get the blank line at the top?

    • #20516
      Alexander Bautz

      Not 100% sure this is it, but if you are using a rich text editor, it’s most likely SharePoint that adds style to the P element. Inspect it with the developer tools and see what the whitespace is. If it is the P-tag style, just override it in the custom css.


    • #20524
      Phil Grant

      Thanks for that, you’re spot on … how do I override it though?
      I’ve had a google on what to do but most people say it can’t be done in CSS!

      • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Phil Grant.
      • This reply was modified 6 years, 3 months ago by Phil Grant.
    • #20536
      Alexander Bautz

      Try adding this to the Custom CSS in the form where you show the vLookup column:

      .childTableCell p{


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