
Forums Cascading dropdowns AutoFill

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    • #28858
      Tricia S.


      I’m Noticing that on the CCDW when I have “Autofill subsequent dropdowns when they contain only one valid option” it will Autofill the very first dropdown.

      Is there a way to prevent that or maybe possible bug?

      I need the User to truly be the one to select the first one in the Dropdown, but I want to help them fill in the the rest of it for them. I have JS running on the change for subsequent dropdowns, and it ends up in a very bad loop. The biggest issues is when there’s only have one option in the all the Dropdown. While I want it to autofill, I really want it to happen after the user has selected the first one, to prevent itself from running the JS.

    • #28866
      Alexander Bautz

      This is by design (but the description might be a bit confusing ). Even if I write “subsequent dropdowns” it will also autofill the first select if it contains only one option.

      I don’t have any quick fix other than disabling the autofilling I’m afraid.


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