Search Results for 'get values from another list'

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  • #38325
    Amal Vellappillil

      Thank you for the tip on _DFFSID column.

      I know this is not possible now, but do you think in the future we can have something like this.
      – Setup a rule with all the emails that need to be scheduled (the ones with the same delivery date). This would just be a place holder for a function to get information from later.
      – Then from another rule (that calls a js function), refer to this rule and loop over the emails and get its to, bcc, cc, subject, body values.
      – Then using custom js function add it to the custom list that is used to scheduling email. (This part I am already doing)

      I am just looking to see if we can avoid having to construct the emails from within javascript as supposed to having it setup using a rule which can greatly help with maintaining it down the road.

      Travis Goodman

        > Cascading dropdowns are already supported – look at the user manual for details.

        I apologize! I didn’t fully review the documentation; I expected to see it as a tab module like in Classic. My bad!

        > I’m unfortunately still not able to recreate the issue you describe with all viewFields from the Build the table shows in the Add new item tab. Are you maybe copying or cloning the vLookup config prior to this happening?

        No, here is the situation and the exact way I get it to happen:

        1 – create your vLookup config and set it up as normal. Have the “build the table” filled out and with your date field do a customizer function that uses the function I posted above, and then have the “Add new item” setup with the prefill fields. For me, I had a child list with vLookupProjectID (single line of text) and ProjectLookup (lookup column in child list). I would set vLookupProjectID to [[fieldValue:_DFFSID]] and I would set ProjectLookup to [[item:id]]

        2 – everything should work normally right now. You should see your table and you should be able to add a new item with the prefilled values properly.

        3 – go into the vLookup config, and remove the customizer function

        4 – you should now get an error “Customizer function not found” when you go into the item and view the vLookup table

        5 – go back into vLookup config, and the only thing you can do is delete the field from the table and re-add it to get rid of that error.

        6 – go look at the table, things should look normally again, but now click on add new item… is your pre-fill values still working? Mine don’t.

        7 – go back into vLookup config, and you should see that the pre-fill values section is totally different and missing the pre-fill references.

        That’s the best way I can explain it.

        ## Another new request if possible for a future release ## – would it be possible in a rich text field or maybe in a custom drag/drop element where we can have a checklist functionality? Like what you often see in OneNote. I’m creating a project tracker app, and it’d be awesome if I could dynamically add checklists into a rich text field so I can allow my team members to simply check the box when that action has been completed. Refer to OneNote and see the “To Do” checkbox for the functionality I’m asking for.


        I am using DFFS for a SharePoint Online list. I have CustomJS that pulls data from another SharePoint List(Staff Master List). I am getting $().SPServices is not a function .

        I have added the JQuery Reference on Site Assets & also referenced them on the text area above the CustomJS.
        Seems like JQuery is not getting loaded, but not sure how to resolve.

        function setDemoValues()
            var PreferredName = "";
            var userProfile = spjs.utility.userProfile(login);
            PreferredName = userProfile.PreferredName;
            setFieldValue('Title', PreferredName);
            var query = "<Query><Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Name' /><Value Type='User'>" +PreferredName + "</Value></Eq></Where></Query>";
            var camlViewFields = "<ViewFields><FieldRef Name='Reports_x0020_To'/><FieldRef Name='Department'/><FieldRef Name='Position'/><FieldRef Name='Job_x0020_Title'/></ViewFields>";
                operation: "GetListItems",
                async: false,
                webURL: "http://xxxx/yyyyyyyy", 
                listName: "Staff Master List", 
                CAMLViewFields: camlViewFields, 
                completefunc: function(xData, Status) 
            		$(xData.responseXML).SPFilterNode("z:row").each(function() {
            		    if ($(this).attr("ows_Reports_x0020_To"))
            		        TeamLeadr_str = $(this).attr("ows_Reports_x0020_To").split(';#')[1];
            		    if ($(this).attr("ows_Department"))
            		        setFieldValue('Department', $(this).attr("ows_Department"));
            		    if ($(this).attr("ows_Position"))
            		        setFieldValue('Position', $(this).attr("ows_Position"));
            		    if ($(this).attr("ows_Job_x0020_Title"))
            		        setFieldValue('Position_x0020_Level', $(this).attr("ows_Job_x0020_Title"));
            		    } });
        Jonathan Stamper

          I’m unsure what is happening, but my autocomplete field no longer retains its values.

          I’m running in a newer version of Chrome. I’m using the subsite with the troublesome “&” in its name that doesn’t encode to a %26. The field is a standard text field that brings report IDs (numeric) from the lookup list. It’s multi-select with a separator of “; “ It’s the same configuration as another working site.

          When I select an item in the AC, the number(s) show up under the field as I would expect. When I do a getFieldValue on it I get ‘’. If I save, they don’t save with it. I commented out the AC code, did a plain type of the report ID, and ran the same getFieldValue and the ID returned.

          I’ve made no changes to it and just noticed ut today after it had been working fine prior.

          Marcus Khoo

            I have a lookup column that shows choices from another list.

            For example
            My first list contains a column for “office” and a column for “postcode”
            In my second list I have a lookup to the first list and show the “office” value but I also want the postcode to be placed into another text column in the second list.

            Is there an easy way to retrieve “other” columns from the first into the scond list?

            (I’m sure there is!)

            Jeff Lynch

              This illustrates it, under product I’m using your script to get values from lookup, in there we see the casepack is 12, but how can I get the filed CasePack to populate in this item so it will force the cascaded of less than full case? If I enter a number in the item casepack, the cascade works but I can’t get the value from the product into the orderitem.

              Case pack does not have to be in the orderitem, it’s just convenient to use then to filter the less than full case dropdown. That works off of another list that has 2 columns,
              Case Pack LessthanCasePack
              6, 12 3
              12, 18 6
              12,18 9

              based on case pack = 12 my values are 3,6,9 which is correct and it works. the issue is that the 12 comes from the Product which is a lookup.

              Alexander Bautz

                To use all these examples you must have v1.0.12.0 or later

                Updated February 04, 2024: Added dffs_vLookup_callback example

                Updated September 07, 2023: Updated dffs_showModal code example and added dffs_hideModal

                Please note that you can do most of this with rules. Using Custom JS is an option for advanced users.

                Do something before the item is saved

                You can use a function like this to run your own custom code before save. The function must return true to allow save, or false to stop the save. If you use this function it will run before the rules triggering on “Before save of the form” and “After save of the form”. If your function returns false the rules described will not run.

                function dffs_PreSaveAction(exit, autosave) {
                  if (exit) { // Code only runs when you use SaveAndExit (new in v1.0.46.0)
                    // This example will prevent save if the title field value is not "test"
                    if (getFieldValue("Title") !== "test") {
                      alert("Nope, you cannot save!");
                      return false;
                    // Allow save
                    return true;
                  } else {
                    if (autosave) {
                    } else {

                Save the item from Custom JS

                Call this function from Custom JS to save the form:

                dffs_triggerSave(true); // Save and exit
                dffs_triggerSave(false); // Quick save

                Do something after the item is saved

                You can use a function like this to run your own custom code after the item is saved

                function dffs_PostSaveAction() {
                  // Do something after the item is saved - for example redirect to another page
                  // You can read values from the current item using getFieldValue("Name_of_field")
                  location.href = "";

                Do something if the item is cancelled / closed

                You can use a function like this to run your own custom code if a form is opened and then cancelled out of without saving.

                function dffs_PostCancelAction() {
                  // Do something if the item is cancelled - for example redirect to another page
                  location.href = "";

                Do something if the item is deleted

                You can use a function like this to run your own custom code after an item is deleted (from within a form, not from the list view menu).

                function dffs_PostDeleteAction() {
                  // Do something if the item is deleted - for example redirect to another page
                  location.href = "";

                Show a modal dialog

                To show a modal dialog with a custom message you can use this code. Please note that this will be a non-blocking dialog so it will not prevent other code from running when the dialog is shown (like the default browser “alert” function does).

                var modalId = dffs_showModal({
                "title": "A message to you",
                "body": "Add your message body here. You can use plain text or HTML",
                "isBlocking": true,
                "showClose": true,
                "showFooter": true,
                "closeCallbackFn": () => {
                // Add your custom code that runs when the dialog has been dismissed
                "cancelBtnLabel": "Cancel button",
                "cancelBtnFn": () => {
                // Add your custom code to run when clicking the cancel button
                "okBtnLabel": "OK Button",
                "okBtnFn": () => {
                // Add your custom code to run when clicking the OK button

                If you don’t include the “cancelBtnFn”, the Cancel button is not shown. The OK button will always show (unless you set “showFooter”: false) and will by default close the dialog.

                New in v1.0.32.0 is that the dffs_showModal returns the ID of the modal – which can be used to programatically close the modal like this:


                Trigger custom code when a field is changed

                Use a function like this to run custom code when a field is changed.

                function dffs_fieldChanged(fin, new_value, previous_value) {
                  console.log("The field " + fin + " was changed from");

                Toggle readonly on a field

                Toggling readonly can be easily done in rules, but if you want to do it using custom js you can do it like this:

                // Set as readonly
                dffs_doReadonly(["Status", "Title", "AssignedTo"]);
                // Undo readonly
                dffs_undoReadonly(["Status", "Title", "AssignedTo"]);

                Toggle the visiblity on individual options in a choice field

                The code example was changed because of a change in v1.0.46.0

                dffs_choice_option_hidden = {"DropdownChoice_31838417512562245": { "Enter Choice #1": true, "Enter Choice #3": true }};

                The id (DropdownChoice_31838417512562245) for your field can be found in the field property panel. Add the label of the options you want to hide and set the value to true. Reversing the action and make them visible again by setting the value as false. You only have to address the options you want to hide or show.

                Detect change in a field

                Use this in for example dffs_PreSaveAction to detect change in the title field:

                if(dffs_beforeProperties["Title"] !== getFieldValue("Title")){
                    alert("Title has changed!");

                Add a callback when a vLookup has loaded

                You can use this method to run your own custom code when a vLookup has loaded. You can find the id of the vLooup in the vLookup configurator.

                function dffs_vLookup_callback(id, items){
                  if(id === "vLookup_7943515991751215"){
                    console.log(id, items);

                Flag, clear or check mandatory fields from Custom JS

                These functions requires v1.0.65.0 or above.

                // Flag fields as required
                dffs_flagMandatory(["Field_1", "Field_2"]);
                // Clear the required flag from fields
                dffs_clearMandatory(["Field_1", "Field_2"]);
                // Check if all mandatory fields have been filled in.
                let allFieldsFilledIn = dffs_checkMandatory(false); // Shows required fields banner to alert the user of any enpty required fields
                let allFieldsFilledIn = dffs_checkMandatory(true); // Do not show any message to the user

                Please note that flagging a field that is not in the form has no effect.

                Set date field when adding new item from a calendar view

                To automatically set the start date on the list item when clicking in the calendar to create a new item, you must use this snippet of Custom JS in your NewForm (replace DueDate with your actual date field internal name):

                if(sessionStorage.getItem("__dffs_NewCalendarItemDate") !== null){
                  setFieldValue("DueDate", new Date(sessionStorage.getItem("__dffs_NewCalendarItemDate")));

                Set bucket-identifier when adding new items in a board-style list view

                To automatically set the bucket id (choice field) on the list item when clicking the add new button at the top of a bucket, you must use this snippet of Custom JS in your NewForm (replace Category with your actual choice field internal name):

                if(sessionStorage.getItem("__dffs_BoardViewBucketId") !== null){
                  setFieldValue("Category", sessionStorage.getItem("__dffs_BoardViewBucketId"));

                Post any question below.

                Best regards,

                • This topic was modified 2 years, 4 months ago by Alexander Bautz.
                • This topic was modified 2 years ago by Alexander Bautz. Reason: Added more examples
                • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Alexander Bautz.
                • This topic was modified 1 year, 5 months ago by Alexander Bautz.
                • This topic was modified 1 year, 3 months ago by Alexander Bautz. Reason: Added more examples
                • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Alexander Bautz.
                • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Alexander Bautz.
                • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Alexander Bautz.
                • This topic was modified 1 year, 1 month ago by Alexander Bautz.
                • This topic was modified 1 year ago by Alexander Bautz. Reason: Added dffs_vLookup_callback example
                • This topic was modified 6 months, 3 weeks ago by Alexander Bautz.
                • This topic was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by Alexander Bautz. Reason: Added information about setting startdate from calendar
                • This topic was modified 1 month, 1 week ago by Alexander Bautz. Reason: Added information about setting bucket-identifier
                Alexander Bautz

                  Writing more values to the list is just a matter of changing the “data” part like this:

                   res = spjs.utility.addItem({"listName":"Favorites","data":{"Title":url, "another_field": "another_value"}});

                  You can use getFieldValue(“another_field”) instead of “another_value” in the snippet above to get the value from a field in the current item.

                  Please note that the format is different for different field types. If you can tell me which type the fields are in the “My learning list” I can give you and example of how you can write the data object.



                  Topic: VLOOKUP

                  Silvestre Kassoka

                    Hi Alex,

                    We have two lists connected through Vlookup , List A and List B. Basically List A is a leave request form and List B keeps records leave days taken and remainder etc.(print screens annexed).


                    a)To display 2 columns on New Form from List B which are connected to list A through
                    Vlookup. Remainder & Leave days to be taken

                    b) To prevent user from saving the forms if the remainder of leave days is not enough. I tried to create a Javascript code that will basically make calculations based on two columns from list B (leave taken & remainder) and one column from List A (days taken). Basically to say if (leave taken + days taken > remainder ) then an alert is made “no enough leave days etc and the form is not saved (submitted. However this giving an error, that bring me to another question.
                    It is possible to get Field Values from columns of another list connected through Vlookup.? through getFieldValue?

                    I hope i was clear.

                    Alexander Bautz

                      You can use some custom js to read or update values from another list. I’m not 100% sure I understand what you mean though. If the person filling in list A uses a cascading dropdown and selects a Mentor from list B – how should the data in list B be modified? – remove the person from the Mentor field, flag it with a value in a field (like “selected = yes) or delete the item?

                      Because the cascading dropdown does not retrieve the id of the list item, you would have to use the selected values in a query to get the item. If you can sow me some screenshots of your list a and b (please mask any sensitive data) I can create a code snippet to get you started.

                      Please note: using custom js in DFFS means any updates in datasheet view will NOT trigger the code.


                      Paul Lynch

                        Thanks! With the help of the debug it became clear it was something to do with the Prefill values in child as it was returning 0 results because the parentID field was not being populated, so no results were appearing.

                        Now working (sorry changed so many things at once before working I cannot say exactly what I did wrong to help future users).

                        Below is the final piece of the jigsaw to get this form ready..

                        jQuery("#dffs_LinkToParentItem input:first").val("click to see more details");

                        Replace LinkToParentItem with your field internal name.

                        My steps:
                        1. My prefill child works (ItemRelURL, and it prefills a relative link which is accurate.

                        2. This relative link (format /teams/gcoiti/Lists/Parent/DispForm.aspx?ID=8 goes into a multiline of text rich text field. But it does not appear as a link just text. Should I use another column type?

                        3. This column has internal field name of “Linktoform”

                        4. I go into the child DFFS settings, and in the custom tab I entered

                        jQuery("#dffs_Linktoform input:first").val("click to see more details");

                        5. But still the none clickable Relative URL shows up in the column Linktoform (in list view which is ideally where I want to show it) and child item display form (which is not so important)

                        Wondering if I could get bit more help to make this work?


                          Right, Alex, just a regular Lookup field named “Groups”, with enabled multi-value selection.
                          The field is a lookup to another list. I’d like to pull not just selected values from the source list, but also selected items’ IDs.


                          only returns Values.
                          Wondering if there is a DFFS function to get value pairs or IDs.
                          I understand that if nothing else, I can run


                          passing selected Values in CAML, but that seems too cumbersome just to get IDs.
                          Please advise.

                          Paul Lynch

                            This is an Office 365 E3 licensed SharePoint Online Team Site

                            I’ve attached the console image (although some object arrays are cut off not sure how important they are)..

                            Also I pressed F12 on the chart page, whilst in edit chart view. (Not sure if that is relevant).


                            In order to get this chart ready for me to demo

                            I’d like to filter the chart to only show the entries in the list where the
                            “lookup column name” – (internal fieldname) is as below..
                            “Portal Status” – (Deployed)

                            This looks up another list called “Chart List”, picks the Title field (internal fieldname is also Title).

                            3 Title values I wish to show;
                            In development


                            Separate question – is there any function in the chart software to rename returned values? E.g. if I were to rename the above “Internal” as something else like “Deprecated”. Or at least rename their values in a legend?



                              I cannot get the below custom-js to save to my lookup list. I have tried a few things to trouble-shoot. 1) Permissions are good 2) Thought perhaps when the Display Name is different from FIN it would make a difference so tested with another field with both the same – didn’t make any difference 3) Tried turning isLookupInSelf = false, and 4) tried adding to the lookup list with spjs-lookup which worked just fine. I recently installed v4.4.3.45 but had not put this code into any previous version so I don’t know if it worked before I upgraded. We have SP2013 back end (server) but still SP2010 front end. I tried in a SP2013 evaluation site but kept getting SOAP errors. My code is below and I have attached a screenshot of field and the console error message I received, however I received this error message in Google Chrome but not IE11; new item was not saved in either browser. Any thoughts? Thank you, as always.

                              “applyTo”: “Company”,
                              “helpText”: “Start typing to search for Company”,
                              “loadText”: “”,
                              “listGuid”: “69B37C20-7963-420C-94A1-97F8E9C5DEF9”,
                              “listBaseUrl”: “/sites/DCO/ACDC/ACDCDev”,
                              “showField”: “Title”,
                              “searchFields”: [],
                              “filterCAML”: “”,
                              “useREST”: false,
                              “filterREST”: “”,
                              “optionDetailFields”: [],
                              “optionDetailPrefix”: [],
                              “enforceUniqueValues”: true,
                              “rowLimit”: 15,
                              “listOptionsOnFocus”: false,
                              “minLengthBeforeSearch”: 3,
                              “reValidateOnLoad”: false,
                              “allowAddNew”: true,
                              “isLookupInSelf”: true,
                              “addNewAdditionalFields”: [],
                              “multiselect”: false,
                              “multiselectSeparator”: “; “,
                              “orderBy”: {
                              “fin”: “Title”,
                              “ascending”: true
                              “setFields”: [],
                              “debug”: true

                              Caron Shimo

                                I have recently upgraded and getting a feel for the new version. In my current forms I have the ability to show and hide fields when they are selected which is working. What doesn’t work is if I am in a form and I select one thing and then change the selection to something else, it doesn’t automatically hide the fields that are not needed. it shows both sets of fields for the first selected option then fields for the option it is changed to also.

                                When Add/Modify/Remove values is selected in Type of Request – Agent Data Groups the following field visible and required
                                ◦Add/Modify/Remove Values from which ADG
                                ◦New/Modify/Remove AD Value
                                ◦MU Number and Name

                                When New ADG is selected in Type of Request – Agent Data Groups the following field visible and required
                                ◦Name of New ADG
                                ◦New/Modify/Remove AD Value
                                ◦MU Number and Name
                                ◦Business Need for New ADG

                                If I toggle between the 2 selected values in the old version it would hide the fields not listed as visible and required.. Can someone help me on how this version would allow me to do the same. Do I need to write the rules differently? The user would have to refresh the page to get the correct field if a mistake or another selection was made within the same field

                              Viewing 15 results - 1 through 15 (of 25 total)