There are some recurring problems with my website for the Modern DFFS ( I’m in the process of recreating the page on a new platform and it will be up over the...
I have now released version of DFFS for the Modern SharePoint. It fixes one bug – see the full change log here: Read more and get your license over at Post...
I have now released version of DFFS for the Modern SharePoint. It fixes a few bugs – see the full change log here: Read more and get your license over at
I have now released version of DFFS for the Modern SharePoint. It fixes a bug introduced in the previous version that caused the configurator to get struck creating the configuration /...
I have now released version of DFFS for the Modern SharePoint. It fixes a few bugs and adds some new functionality – see the full change log here: Read more...
There was an error on the website for the Modern DFFS ( where you got a wordpress config page and not the actual front page. I’m not sure how long it has...
I have now released version of DFFS for the Modern SharePoint. It fixes a few bugs – see the full change log here: Read more and get your license over...
I have fixed a bug in the autocomplete plugin. You find the complete change log here, and the updated files in the download section of the user manual. Post comments below, or use the form. Best...