18.06.2010 – small update to set “lengthOfInputNumber” relative to the array of FieldInternalnames.
By request from Larry, here is a solution that restricts input in a single line text field to number only.
Note: It is treated as text in SharePoint and you cannot sum or average in a list view.
Add this code to a CEWP below the list form in your NewForm or EditForm:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/test/English/Javascript/jquery-1.4.2.min.js"></script> <script type="text/javascript"> fields = init_fields_v2(); // Allow numbers only in text fields // Array of FieldInternalNames to lilmit to numbers only var arrToCheckForNum = ['Title','Num']; // Array of length of input string - set to 255 if you do not want to limit input length. Corresponds to the same array index in the "arrToCheckForNum" var lengthOfInputNumber = [9,2]; $.each(arrToCheckForNum,function(idx,item){ $(fields[item]).find('input').css({'width':'75px'}); $(fields[item]).find('input').keyup(function(e){ var thisVal = $(this).val(); thisVal = thisVal.substring(0,lengthOfInputNumber[idx]); $(this).val(thisVal.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'')); }).blur(function(){ var thisVal = $(this).val(); thisVal = thisVal.substring(0,lengthOfInputNumber[idx]); $(this).val(thisVal.replace(/[^0-9]/g,'')); }); }); /* LastMod: 07.05.2010 */ function init_fields_v2(){ var res = {}; $("td.ms-formbody").each(function(){ var myMatch = $(this).html().match(/FieldName="(.+)"s+FieldInternalName="(.+)"s+FieldType="(.+)"s+/); if(myMatch!=null){ // Display name var disp = myMatch[1]; // FieldInternalName var fin = myMatch[2]; // FieldType var type = myMatch[3]; if(type=='SPFieldNote'){ if($(this).find('script').length>0){ type=type+"_HTML"; } } if(type=='SPFieldLookup'){ if($(this).find('input').length>0){ type=type+"_Input"; } } // Build object res[fin] = this.parentNode; res[fin].FieldDispName = disp; res[fin].FieldType = type; } }); return res; } </script>
The parameters “arrToCheckForNum” and “lengthOfInputNumber” must be adapted to suite your needs.
The jQuery-library is found here. The pictures and the sourcecode refers to jquery-1.4.2.min. If you use another version, remember to update the script “src”.
You are the man!
OK Larry. Do tell. What are you using this solution for?
Charlie Epes
the only question I have about this. Does the lengthOfInputNumber apply to fields, or can it be setup like an array to match field array?
Code updated.
it does not work for me
larry or Alex can you help me?
Did you put the CEWP below the form?
Doesnt work for me and I have it in a cewp…
Have you put the CEWP below the list form?
Have your form been modified in SharePoint Designer?
This is awesome! Exactly what I’m looking for to validate SIN numbers and Phone numbers! Thank you!
It works more than perfect.
Just add the following code at the beginning and the end:
// Start: Important addition 1 to make it work
jQuery(function ($) {
// Stop: Important addition 1 to make it work
// Start: Important addition 2 to make it work
// Stop: Important addition 2 to make it work
Have a nice end of the world together. 🙂