Paul Lynch

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  • in reply to: LOOKUP columns supported? #22355
    Paul Lynch

    Sorry yes I did not add a filter to the view, I did now, just filtered by ID >is greater than 0

    I can now see the “Filtered View” as an option. Although when I select it the CAML generated is “undefined” – and an error now pops up when chart loads.

    Hope this is progress! (copy pasted errors

    in reply to: LOOKUP columns supported? #22344
    Paul Lynch

    Strange I have no filters I can choose in the optional filter (under filter tab) – see image attached. I created a view in the lookup list to see if that had any effect and it didnt.

    Yes both the lists are on the same site.

    in reply to: LOOKUP columns supported? #22335
    Paul Lynch

    Is the lookup single choice or multichoice? – no multiple values selected

    Which field is shown in the lookup column (the Title field or another field from the lookup list)? – Title field

    Are you using A CAML filter in the Filters tab? – no

    (see attached screen shots)

    in reply to: LOOKUP columns supported? #22331
    Paul Lynch

    PS Other info

    • I reset the chart, before rebuilding from scratch.
      I’m using a basic table with two fields (Title – String) and (Lookup – String)
      The lookup column is to a list in same site, with 7 different choices.

    I CAN get the lookup field to show in my table I switch the Data Type from String to Boolean (Yes/No) – it just shows as a tick for every record!

    in reply to: LOOKUP columns supported? #22329
    Paul Lynch

    Thanks Alex,

    I upgraded to version but still have the same issue. Just seems to get stuck on the loading screen when I add a lookup.

    in reply to: vLookup #20012
    Paul Lynch

    Sorry just realised my mistake – I should have used the very useful “Fields” tab to get my internal field names.

    Instead I was using the encoded internal field names taken from URL – once I decoded them it works!


    decoded is;

    If anyone ever needs to do this I always find this useful:

    in reply to: Calculated column in Display Form #19373
    Paul Lynch

    Thanks for looking Alex – still no idea why it’s not showing in display form.

    However I finally got the html/js call to bring them in with your code posted elsewhere here so I am good now thanks.

    If anyone else is looking to show 3 calculated columns in Editform. (or has issue showing in Display form see below – my internal fieldname and column names are the same btw)

    var qRes = spjs.utility.getItemByID(

    Then in the HTML field added to tab (repeated for each column):

    <table style="width: 100%" class="customised1">
    		<td class="customisedcss2" style="font-size:10.0pt;font-family:&quot;Segoe UI Semilight&quot;,sans-serif;
    mso-fareast-font-family:&quot;Times New Roman&quot;;color:#262626;mso-ansi-language:EN-GB;
    mso-fareast-language:EN-GB; width: 87%;">text for the column label
    <td class="customisedcss3"><span class="calcoldatecss2" /></td>
    in reply to: Calculated column in Display Form #19351
    Paul Lynch

    Thanks Alex. There are three dates, I just want to show these dates in a display form in a “friendly” format of dd.MMM.yyyy so want to show a calculated column instead of the original field.

    PIC 1 – Shows the configuration in form:
    1) Original Field
    2) Calculated Column (that never shows up)
    3) Is HTML in a field column I am trying to use to force it to show up!

    PIC 2 – Shows some columns – really just to confirm that the calculated column itself works great.

    PIC 3 – Shows the Display Form – notice no calculated column is shown.

    I create a HTML field workaround which shows up for one of the dates – “1.15 Start date of the OSQMV:” but not for the others?

    PIC 4 – JS of HTML field workaround – first field is ok – but if I just copy line [39] to line [40] and update the reference it doesnt work – keep getting error 80020101 wondering how to add this in, as this might be easier than trying to solve why my calculated column is not showing.

    in reply to: First tab not showing all fields on load #19326
    Paul Lynch

    Doh – wrong file sorry – just thought I would wrap this up – now working beautifully again and so is the new BETA version, thanks Alex!

    in reply to: First tab not showing all fields on load #19297
    Paul Lynch

    Dynamic Forms for SharePoint [frontend] v4.4.3.31

    in reply to: First tab not showing all fields on load #19293
    Paul Lynch

    Sorry not done this before, I take a local copy of the DFFS/js/SPJS-vLookup_frontend.js file from my production DFFS.

    I drag and drop it into the window of Dans JS tool. (which unpacks it?)

    I use the tool to format the JS so it’s beautiful!

    Then I scroll down to line 417 and cannot see anything above or below the next 100 line (or more) unless I am blind!

    in reply to: First tab not showing all fields on load #19289
    Paul Lynch

    I appreciate the fix Alex – sorry but please can you tell me which line that code is on?

    There are 6057 lines of code

    If I copy to notepad ++ cant seem to search and find these exact lines or combination of terms if I split it out.

    in reply to: First tab not showing all fields on load #19270
    Paul Lynch

    In fact yes you’re right – any field that does not have a number to start with (or part of internalfieldname) is shown!

    This explains why the “Title” shows – but the field name (non internal) is 1.0 xxxx

    in reply to: First tab not showing all fields on load #19268
    Paul Lynch

    I noticed it is the same on many tabs.

    However I think many of these fields do start with a number like 1.0 xxx 1.2 xxx etc..

    Here are some examples (with encoded internal field names)

    1.10 # Screened-failed:

    1.12 # Early Terminated:

    1.15 Start date of the OSQMV:

    1.16 End date of the OSQMV:

    I use the new cookie function to store which tab it is saved on so if you go back into a form, whichever tab is on does not have these fields.

    in reply to: First tab not showing all fields on load #19247
    Paul Lynch

    Not sure if it might be related the the Expand and Collapse functionality.

    1)No heading at all on tab 1 – get main issue above.

    2) If I add a heading – and choose “initially collapsed” – show just the option to expand and nothing else. But expanding and collapsing then shows all the fields!

    2a)..Interestingly if I keep 2) but choose “First form section in each tab expanded” in the Expand and Collapse section – get main issue above again (rather than just see it expanded!)

    3) If I add a heading – and choose “initially expanded’ with no settings in Expand and Collapse section – get main issue above.

    Strange how it always seems to show the Title and the multiple lines of text fields. Apart from 2a.

    • This reply was modified 6 years, 6 months ago by Paul Lynch.
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