Alexander Bautz

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  • in reply to: Unlicensed user issue #38252
    Alexander Bautz

      Thanks for the detailed feedback. I’ll check out the endpoint and see if it might work better than the EnsureUser endpoint in this case.

      I’ll try to get a new version out next week.


      in reply to: Unlicensed user issue #38243
      Alexander Bautz

        Do you see the same in the developer console as you originally did?

        The fix I attempted does a “ensureUser” call for each of the users when the form loads – can you look at the developer console (network tab) and try to identify the calls and see what they return?

        Email me some screenshots of what you can find so I can try to figure out why it doesn’t work in your setup.


        in reply to: Set Value action for People or group field type #38242
        Alexander Bautz

          No need to send anything – I found the problem and will fix it in the next release (probably sometime next week).


          in reply to: Set Value action for People or group field type #38241
          Alexander Bautz

            Are both Field1 and Field2 multichoice? Can you email me a screenshot of the rule you use to set the values?


            in reply to: Adding table borders #38240
            Alexander Bautz

              This was fixed in v4.4.5.45 back in July 2022:

              Upgrade and the problem should be fixed.


              in reply to: Adding table borders #38238
              Alexander Bautz

                Which version of the classic DFFS are you running? (hover over the “Enhanced with DFFS” link and click “License and version information.


                in reply to: Adding table borders #38235
                Alexander Bautz

                  I think I have missed your other question regarding email current tab – where can I find it?


                  in reply to: Adding table borders #38229
                  Alexander Bautz

                    I see now what was wrong – when addressing by ID you must prefix the selector with “#” and not “.”.

                    I didn’t notice it in your code snippet, but if you change it from this:

                    .sbs_OuterTable_4 {
                    outline: 2px red dashed;
                    outline-offset: 2px;

                    to this it should work:

                    #sbs_OuterTable_4 {
                    outline: 2px red dashed;
                    outline-offset: 2px;


                    in reply to: Adding table borders #38228
                    Alexander Bautz

                      I see now what was wrong – when addressing by ID you must prefix the selector with “#” and not “.”.

                      I didn’t notice it in your code snippet, but if you change it from this:

                      .sbs_OuterTable_4 {
                      outline: 2px red dashed;
                      outline-offset: 2px;

                      to this it should work:

                      #sbs_OuterTable_4 {
                      outline: 2px red dashed;
                      outline-offset: 2px;


                      in reply to: Adding table borders #38223
                      Alexander Bautz

                        Try setting the border on the table and not the tr using this ID (from your screenshot it looks like you have the SBS index set to 4):

                        .sbs_OuterTable_4 {
                        outline: 2px red dashed;
                        outline-offset: 2px;


                        in reply to: Adding table borders #38218
                        Alexander Bautz

                          Can you show me a screenshot of the field after you right click and select “Inspect” (I need to see the HTML code in the developer tools).

                          Also, show me a mockup of what you are looking to make the border around so I know you are looking at the correct solution (this is specifically to highlight side-by-side fields).


                          in reply to: Feature Request: Different ways of showing date in email #38217
                          Alexander Bautz

                            I’ll add support for specifying the dateformat when selecting from the “Add dynamic content” menu in the next version, but as a workaround you can add this to your Custom JS (replace DueDate with the actual internal name of your field):

                            var myCustomDate = ""; // Must use var an not let to make it globally available
                            function dffs_PreSaveAction() {
                              const date = getFieldValue("DueDate", "dateObject");
                              const formatter = new Intl.DateTimeFormat('en-US', { day: '2-digit', month: '2-digit', year: 'numeric' });
                              myCustomDate = formatter.format(date);

                            Now add this variable to your email body like this:

                            myCustomDate: [[variable:myCustomDate]]


                            in reply to: Adding table borders #38215
                            Alexander Bautz

                              You must add the CSS code to the Custom CSS tab. Where you put it now, only custom styling of the read-only fields are supposed to go (and then without the ID selector).


                              in reply to: Issue with rules related to people pickers #38206
                              Alexander Bautz

                                You can try using this Custom JS instead of using rules to detect the change on the PP.

                                function peoplePickerChanged(fin){
                                    var currPPvalue = spjs.dffs.beforeProperties[fin];
                                    if(currPPvalue.length === 0){
                                        console.log("The field is empty on form load");
                                    setInterval(() => {
                                        let val = getFieldValue(fin);
                                        let isResolved = spjs.utility.getFieldValue({"fin": fin, "key": "isresolved"});
                                        if(!isResolved.includes(false) && String(currPPvalue) !== String(val)){
                                            currPPvalue = val;
                                            console.log("Changed to", val);
                                            if(val.length === 0){
                                                console.log("Is empty");


                                in reply to: Issue with vLookup v2.2.162 #38205
                                Alexander Bautz

                                  I need to see a screenshot of the “Prefill values in child” section in your vLookup config. Also make sure the field names are correct and that there is actually a value in the “From” field.


                                Viewing 15 posts - 46 through 60 (of 4,724 total)