Forum Replies Created
I’ll have to see some screenshot to know what you mean. One before hiding, and one after.
Please verify that the script src is correct, and if it is, try moving the code to the CEWP (below the last script tag where) like this:
<script type="text/javascript"> function dffs_Ready(){{ "applyTo":"test", "helpText":"Project name or number...", "listGuid":"Adresses", "listBaseUrl":"", "showField":"Ville", "rowLimit":5, "listOptionsOnFocus":false, "reValidateOnLoad":false, "setFields":[] }); } </script>
Then bring up the developer console (hit F12 > console) and look for errors.
The code looks good, but I suspect you have not referred the script file with the autocomplete solution in your DFFS frontend CEWP.Alexander
The first line indicates a syntax error. If you right click the page and view source – what do you find in line 794?
February 23, 2015 at 12:53 in reply to: ERROR in view mode of sharepoint list item, but in NEW and EDIT mode are fine. #7135How have you set the color to green?
February 23, 2015 at 11:58 in reply to: ERROR in view mode of sharepoint list item, but in NEW and EDIT mode are fine. #7133I’m glad it worked out. You must have downloaded v2.455 exactly when I first published it as I did publish it, and retracted it again within a few minutes to fix this exact problem. I then republished it again with the same version number as I figured no one had downloaded it in this short “window”.
Sorry for the inconvenience,
AlexanderFebruary 23, 2015 at 11:14 in reply to: ERROR in view mode of sharepoint list item, but in NEW and EDIT mode are fine. #7131Hi,
Are you 100% sure you use the latest DFFS frontend? – I thought this was fixed in v4.255 – as described in the change log.Alexander
I guess this happens when you use Side-by-side?
You can use the “Field CSS” tab or the CSS examples in the “Side-by-side” tab in the backend to set the width of individual fields, but if you like to change this “globally” in the CSS file, you find this in line 151 in DFFS_frontend.css:
.sbs_FieldTable{ border-top:none; width:auto; }
change it like this:
.sbs_FieldTable{ border-top:none; /*width:auto;*/ }
Yes, it is the missing ID column that causes it to malfunction. This is what I have tried to take care of in the modified function above.Try inserting this right below where you load the spjs-utility.js script in the “DFFS_frontend_CEWP.js.aspx” CEWP:
<script type="text/javascript" src="/Your_Path_Here/spjs-utility.js"></script> // Add the code snippet here
If this does not work, you can most likely make it work if you add a column “ID” (with an unique id number) to the external list.
I have not used external lists myself so I need you to test this snippet for me. Ensure you use the latest version of spjs-utility.js (v1.205), and add this override code below where you refer the spjs-utility.js file:<script type="text/javascript"> spjs.utility.queryItems = function(argObj){ var content, result, requestHeader, fieldValObj, value; if(argObj.listBaseUrl===undefined){ argObj.listBaseUrl=L_Menu_BaseUrl; } if(argObj.listName===undefined || (argObj.query===undefined && argObj.viewName===undefined)){ alert("[spjs.utility.queryItems]\n\nMissing parameters!\n\nYou must provide a minimum of \"listName\", \"query\" or \"viewName\" and \"viewFields\"."); return; } if(spjs.$.inArray('ID',argObj.viewFields)===-1){ argObj.viewFields.push('ID'); } if(spjs.$.inArray('BdcIdentity',argObj.viewFields)===-1){ argObj.viewFields.push('BdcIdentity'); } content = spjs.utility.wrapQuery({'listName':argObj.listName, 'query':argObj.query, 'folder':argObj.folder, 'viewName':argObj.viewName, 'viewFields':argObj.viewFields, 'rowLimit':argObj.rowLimit, 'pagingInfo':argObj.pagingInfo,'scope':argObj.scope}); result = {'count':-1, 'nextPagingInfo':'', items:[]}; if(argObj.setRequestHeader===false){ requestHeader = ''; }else{ requestHeader = ''; } spjs.utility.wrapSoap(argObj.listBaseUrl + '/_vti_bin/lists.asmx',requestHeader, content, function(data){ result.count = parseInt(spjs.$(data).filterNode("rs:data").attr('ItemCount'),10); result.nextPagingInfo = spjs.$(data).filterNode("rs:data").attr('ListItemCollectionPositionNext'); fieldValObj = {}; spjs.$(data).filterNode('z:row').each(function(idx, itemData){ fieldValObj[idx] = {}; spjs.$.each(argObj.viewFields,function(i,field){ if(field === "ID" && spjs.$(itemData).attr("ows_ID") === undefined){ if(spjs.$(itemData).attr("ows_BdcIdentity") !== undefined){ value = spjs.$(itemData).attr("ows_BdcIdentity"); }else{ value = ""; } }else{ value = spjs.$(itemData).attr('ows_' + field); } if(value === undefined){ value = null; } fieldValObj[idx][field] = value; }); result.items.push(fieldValObj[idx]); }); }); return result; } </script>
When this is done, try the autcomplete solution. Please let me know how this works out – and use the developer toolbar (F12 > Console) to look for error messages.
This is a bug in DFFS, but I thought it was removed. Are you sure you use the latest version of the DFFS frontend CSS file?I’m not able to look at the code right now, but I’m fairly sure there is a
somewhere in the CSS file causing this behavior.
I’m glad you figured it out 🙂
I’m glad you found a workaround.
This is most likely caused by using white space between the values. Use format like this:sbs_OuterTR_1,sbs_OuterTR_2
and not like this:
sbs_OuterTR_1, sbs_OuterTR_2
This sounds strange. I have no immediate explanation, but you should try this tool and inspect the field properties to see if you can spot any differences between the one showing and the one not showing.Alexander