vlookup List / Item and Parent List Rules or Custom JS

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    • #29833
      Jeremy Smith

        Hello group,
        I am wondering how I might be able to trigger a rule or customer JS when using a vlookup list on a parent form. What I would like to do is click a button that pulls up the vlookup list am_SysTrackingReqDetails (using Add New Item Button function of the vlookup form in DFFS). on this form I have a field SystemRequest. What I would like to do is after updating the am_SysTrackingReqDetails form and click save, that upon clicking save and closing down the window, it captures the value of the SystemRequest field and allows me to post it into a field on the Parent form called StatusUpdates

        Not sure how to upload images here so I will try and paint a picture:

        Parent Form (has many fields – will only depict the fields I am concerned about):
        SPFieldNote – StatusUpdates
        SPFieldText – vLookupReqNum – this Add New Item button opens another list called am_SysTrackingReqDetails

        am_SysTrackingReqDetails Form:
        SPFieldText – Title (aka Tracking Number)
        Save Button – save the new list item and close the form

        1) From the parent form, launch the am_SysTrackingReqDetails form using the Add New Item button.
        2) Enter the details into all the fields on the new item (am_SysTrackingReqDetails form)
        3) Click Save button (am_SysTrackingReqDetails form)
        4) Trigger a rule or custom JS script to copy the value from the Title field on the am_SysTrackingReqDetails form and paste into the StatusUpdates field on the Parent form

        thoughts about how to do this? I tried to search the forum, but do not think I am asking the right questions to get the right forum return responses

      • #29868
        Alexander Bautz

          You can try the method I describe here: https://spjsblog.com/forums/topic/have-the-child-item-populate-the-parent/#post-28561

          Let me know how it works out.


        • #29956
          Jeremy Smith

            I tried to adjust the code to work for what I was looking to do and it doesn’t seem to work.

            I built a temporary field for testing called YOUR_COUNTER_FIELD on the parent form
            I have my vlookup Child Form on the same page

            I added to the parent form this modified code:

                    var currCount = getFieldValue("YOUR_COUNTER_FIELD");
                    var newValue = tracknum;
                    setFieldValue("YOUR_COUNTER_FIELD", newValue);

            and went into the vlookup child form and added this modified code:

            function dffs_PreSaveAction(){
                var tracknum = getFieldValue("Title");
                return true;

            When I launch the child form from the parent, it pulls up in a small dialog window in front of the parent form.
            I fill out the form field on the child (internalname = Title) and click save
            it then brings me back to the parent form and I click save
            it exits to the main list of items and I reopen and the field YOUR_COUNTER_FIELD is still blank

            I am not sure what I am doing incorrect, but then again, I am still learning here 🙂

          • #29958
            Jeremy Smith

              Attached a screenshot of the setup

            • #29966
              Alexander Bautz

                I tidied up the code a bit and corrected a few issues:

                // Parent form
                var setTracknumInterval = setInterval(function () {
                    if(typeof tracknum !== "undefined"){
                        setFieldValue("YOUR_COUNTER_FIELD", tracknum);
                }, 1000);
                // Child form
                function dffs_PreSaveAction() {
                    var tracknum = getFieldValue("Title");
                    window.parent.tracknum = tracknum;
                    return true;


              • #29975
                Jeremy Smith

                  Thank you for making the tweaks for this. It appears to be working as expected with the little bit of testing I have performed. If anything changes, I will reach back out. Again, thank you 🙂

                • #29981
                  Alexander Bautz

                    Thanks for the update – I’m glad it worked out.


                  • #30580
                    Jeremy Smith

                      After further testing, I am having trouble understanding why it isn’t executing. So once I click the Vlookup table and create an item, it carries back the items in the code and places the data into the parent form field. However, now if I go to edit the new item again, it doesn’t carry over the new changes made in the pop-up child form back to the parent:
                      Tried the following to test:
                      Trial 1:
                      – Create a new parent form
                      – Click the vlookup to create child pop-up form
                      – Edit child form and click save
                      – Pulls in original values from child to parent form field
                      – Without saving Parent form, click the vlookup child form edit button and launch child form pop-up
                      – edit and save
                      – Nothing changes to parent form, not even triggering the parent form js code

                      Trial 2:
                      – Create a new parent form
                      – Click the vlookup to create child pop-up form
                      – Edit child form and click save
                      – Pulls in original values from child to parent form field
                      – Save parent form and exit
                      – Reopen same parent itme
                      – Click the vlookup child form edit button and launch child form pop-up
                      – edit and save
                      – Nothing changes to parent form, not even triggering the parent form js code

                      Current code


                      //Add content from child window to parent window field
                      var setTracknumInterval = setInterval(function () {
                          if(typeof tracknum !== "undefined" && typeof dCreated !== "undefined" && typeof rStatus !== "undefined" && typeof rFormType !== "undefined"){
                              var newCounterField = getFieldValue("YOUR_COUNTER_FIELD");
                              setFieldValue("YOUR_COUNTER_FIELD", rFormType + ":" + tracknum + " : Date Created: " + dCreated + " : " + rStatus + "---" + newCounterField);
                      }, 1000);

                      Child Code:

                      function dffs_PreSaveAction() {
                          var tracknum = getFieldValue("Title");
                          var dCreated = getFieldValue("DateCreated");
                          var rStatus = getFieldValue("Status");
                          var rFormType = getFieldValue("SystemRequest");
                          window.parent.tracknum = tracknum;
                          window.parent.dCreated = dCreated;
                          window.parent.rStatus = rStatus;
                          window.parent.rFormType = rFormType;
                          return true;

                      What needs to be modified to make happen

                    • #30583
                      Jeremy Smith

                        Nevermind my request for help. I realized I had not put similar code into the EditForm of the child pop-up window, only the NewForm. so nothing was triggering when I would edit.

                        Once I added the code, it seemed to work. Still running more tests currently

                        • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by Jeremy Smith.
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