vLookup grand total and editable fields

Home Forums Classic DFFS vLookup grand total and editable fields

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    • #37944
      Hao Wang

        I am new to this, but I love DFFS.

        When I enabled “Show a totals row below the vLookup child table,” there was a zero in front of the grand total instead of “Grand Total,” as I specified. Is this normal? How can I make the zero disappear? The screenshot is attached.

        Secondly, may I use the vLookup to edit a few selected fields? then save the multiple updates back to the list?

      • #37949
        Alexander Bautz

          I’m happy to hear you like DFFS!

          Can you share a screenshot of the configuration for your vLookup field?

          Enabling inline editing in vLookup is possible, but requires that you use Custom JS. You can find some examples here: https://spjsblog.com/2019/08/31/vlookup-inline-editing-examples/

          You will find other forum threads also if you search the forum for “inline editing”.


        • #37954
          Hao Wang

            BTW, I want to build a vlookup with multiple values, for example, ID = 1 or ID =2 or ID =3, or Title in {one; two; three}. is it allowed? I could not find the config route to build a query with dynamic variables.

          • #37956
            Alexander Bautz

              When you check the “Show a totals row below the vLookup child table” checkbox all columns that can be counted or summed will be included unless you exclude them in the “Special configuration” field like this:


              You can find this configuration example by clicking the contextual help icon after the “Show a totals row below the vLookup child table” field.

              To have a prefix on the sum for a column you must use the parameter “totalsPrefix” in the “Special configuration” as shown in the contextual help.

              The “Grand total label” is only used when you group the vLookup table and use the “Show a grand totals row below the grouped items”.

              I’m not sure I understand what you mean by “build a vLookup with multiple values”, but you can have more than two filter conditions if you use the “Write your own CAML-query” textarea to construct you own query.

              You can find information on how to write a CAML-query by searching the web, but please note that it is only the Where-part that is used here – like this:

              <Where><Eq><FieldRef Name='Title' /><Value Type='Text'>The value to search for</Value></Eq></Where>


            • #37958
              Hao Wang

                Thank you, Alex. Your tips on “show totals” and “totalsPrefix” are correct, and they are working as expected.

                I will give the CAML query a try. I want to list not only Child items but also related items, such as the Child’s cousin items. For example, if I want to book tickets on the same flight, I want to list not only my children but also their friends and cousins. It is like Column eq ‘Child’ or Column eq ‘Friends” or … As long as I can pass dynamic contents to CAML-query, it will work for me. Thanks.

                By the way, when I have a child list, may I put a checkbox next to each child item so that I can select a subset of children to proceed to the next step?

                I appreciate you created this tool. I hope the migration to the modern version works as well, if not better. Best.

                • #37959
                  Alexander Bautz

                    There is no functionality built in to select multiple child items and do “something”, but you can do that using Custom JS.

                    If you migrate to the Modern DFFS, vLookups must be reconfigured (you cannot import the config from the Classic version) as the configuration is different. The Modern version uses REST API and not CAML queries.


                  • #37965
                    Hao Wang

                      Thank Alex. I figured.
                      I am new to DFFS, so I have built a separate SharePoint page to accomplish all that. In the future I will leverage DFFS styles and functions to make it nicer.

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