Various Bugs and Enhancement Requests

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    • #38125
      Travis Goodman

        Hey Alexander! First off, I’m devastated lol. I had a huge list of bugs and enhancements in a file for you and I don’t know what happened but the company pushed an update to my machine and it wiped the location that file was stored. I haven’t been able to recover it. So, the below list is only a partial list of the bugs and enhancement requests I have identified so far within modern DFFS. I understand some of this stuff is probably complex and will take time or just not a priority, so no worries. Just want to put it out there 🙂

        — When tab bar is locked you can see the form behind it and the little gray bottom border bar overlaps that content. I think the enter tab row should have a solid white background to look better.

        — Can “is empty” and “is not empty” be added to the rule conditions, especially for date and people fields?

        — Can the “yes” or “no” sections have nested conditions? For example, say I have a rule that says if x is equal to y. Let’s just say that results to true. Now, let’s say I have a scenario where I want to check another condition in both the true and false sections, because that will determine what I do next. Can we have a condition nested here, or what do you recommend? Of course, I could just create additional rules that key off the parent, but it’d be cool if they could nest. Let me know if you need more clarification on this. It might be too complex.

        — Having a random issue that I cannot track down with vLookup. I’ll build the table, then build the add new form with prefills. If i edit the table, sometimes it totally messes up the add new form prefills. It’ll like remove fields I set, I don’t get it. It seems to happen if I remove fields in the “build the table” section and save and go back in and now the prefill fields tab has totally different fields than what I originally had in there.

        — Having an issue with grid form where say I set a form row with multiple columns. Let’s say 3 columns. Column 1 I go with 6, column 2 will be set to 4 and column 3 I set to 2. If I put a field in column 3 that is somewhat wide, then in the form editor those 3 columns aren’t appearing side by side like they should. They do when I preview the form, it looks fine there, but in the column editor for some reason it’s wrapping, and I’ll find column 3 below columns 1 and 2. It’s not a big deal, it’s just cosmetic.

        — Is inline editing possible to be added to a vlookup table?

        —Can you have it to where we can add a class similar to how you have JS customizer function name references. This would be both for normal fields and for vLookup. That way I can add CSS to the class, easier than doing CSS via JS.

      • #38131
        Alexander Bautz

          Thanks for the feedback.

          I’ll fix the background color on the sticky tabs in the next release, but in the meantime you can fix it by adding this custom css:

          .pivotSticky_SUFFIX > div[role='tablist']{
            background-color: #ffffff;

          I’ll add the “Is empty” and “Is not empty” triggers in the next version.

          You can use nested conditions in the main trigger conditions, but I think adding the nesting of conditions inside the “if yes” and “if no” sections will be a bit to complex so you will have to add more rules to handle the different “sub conditions”.

          I looked into the “random issue” with the vLookup comfig earlier (I think it was you that mentioned it), but could unfortunately not reproduce it. Did you copy / import the vLookup config or did you create it from scratch?

          The grid issue is related to the “row” being rendered using display:flex. It has a default “wrap to new line” if the outer container cannot fit the contents. Can you email me some screenshots so I can look into it and see if it is a bug?

          Inline editing in vLookup is unfortunately a bug job to implement so I don’t have time for that at the moment.

          Can you give me some more information about adding the class to the fields? – do you mean like adding a classname in the “container styling” property of a field?


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