
Home Forums Classic DFFS spjs.dffs.formatDate

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    • #23573
      Peter Giesselink

        I the last update v4.4.3.60 this function is introduced.
        I’ve tried a quick test on the DFFS example Training application parseDateFunction but I was not successful.
        Error 80020101 was thrown.

        function parseDateFunc(a){
        // Set the desired format in the variable “f”
        var f = “dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm” , d = new Date(a);
        return spjs.dffs.formatDate(d, f);

        Can you give a clue who to call this function. Maybe I overlook something simple.

      • #23581
        Alexander Bautz

          What is the format of the argument you pass in to the function parseDateFunc? I guess your new Date(a) function fails to parse a to a valid date.


        • #23583
          Peter Giesselink

            I’ve checked this and it’s not the problem. the first line is exact the same code as used in the Training/Conference example you provide on this site. It is used in the Autocomplete fields.

            I’ve not used the split function which is used in the original version and that solves the problem.

            function parseDateFunc(a){
            // Set the desired format in the variable “f”
            var f = “dd/MM/yyyy HH:mm” , d = new Date(a);
            f = spjs.dffs.formatDate(d, f);
            return f.split(/ |:/);

          • #23585
            Peter Giesselink

              Testing the Training/Conference example I’ve encountered more problems is it okay to make a new topic?

            • #23679
              Paul Lynch

                Hi Peter,

                Did you ever get this working?

                What is the Training/Conference example page where you wrote comments?

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