Setup Another List

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    • #26327
      Shawn Keene

        I have DFFS installed (version info below) and it’s working perfectly in a list. I’m using a rule to populate a name on newForm load, plus an autocomplete field.

        Now I want to setup autocomplete in a second list on the same site. It’s actually just for testing out some changes I plan to make to the “one” list I’ve got now. I don’t want to confuse any users why I try it out.

        But how do I go add the functionality to just this new list? I am going through the DFFS install instructions but I can’t really tell where I should begin when I already have it installed.

        I feel like there’s a URL I should have bookmarked that takes me to the DFFS setup page, but what is it?

        Version I’m using:
        Dynamic Forms for SharePoint v4.4.3.64 – March 13, 2019|CSS version: 4.46 / |spjs-utility version: 1.332

      • #26329
        Shawn Keene

          Literally answered my own question the instant after I saved this post. The answer is /SPJS/LocalInstallPage.aspx

        • #26333
          Alexander Bautz

            I’m glad you figured it out.

            Just to clarify: this page is created by the person installing DFFS for the first time in a site, and will not always be named LocalInstallPage.aspx.

            If you have installed it in another page and forgotten the link, just add a new web part page (classic page with support for Content Editor WebPart) in your SPJS document library (or in SitePages if you like), add a Content editor web part to the page and link to the file /Sites/YourSite/SPJS/DFFS/installer/Installer_CEWP_code.html


          • #26335
            Shawn Keene

              Thanks a ton!

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