setDate based on another Date and time field

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    • #32507

        Hello Alex,
        your help would be very appreciated, I’m quite lost even this issue looks so simple.
        1. I have a date and time column (just date) – ‘positiveSince’
        2. I have another date and time column (just date) – ‘positiveTo’

        I need to get a date based on user’s input from ‘positiveSince’ column and with a rule to trigger a custom function to copy this date and add 14 days forth.

        I’ve tried something like this and it’s working until I choose 31st December, it adds 14 days, so the output is 31+14 = 45. 12. 2020 (for example).
        The output should be logical – 14th January 2021 (14. 1. 2021).

        function endOfQuarantine() {
            let d = spjs.utility.getDateFieldAsDateObject('positiveSince');
            let den = d.getDate()+14;
            let mesic = d.getMonth()+1;
            let rok = d.getFullYear();
        console.log(den +". "+ mesic + ". "+rok);

        I’d be glad if you can help me to figure it out.


        • This topic was modified 4 years, 1 month ago by Steve.
      • #32510

          It looks like I got it working:

          function endOfQuarantine() {
              let d = spjs.utility.getDateFieldAsDateObject('positiveSince');
              let dd = new Date(d);
              let day = dd.getDate();
              let month = dd.getMonth()+1;
              let year = dd.getFullYear();
          let finalDate = (day +". "+ month + ". "+year);
        • #32513
          Alexander Bautz

            I’m glad you figured it out.


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