Set cursor position after Rules

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    • #19757

        Hi Alexander,

        Is there a way to position the cursor to a specific field after Rules have been fired?
        I’ve got a bunch of Content Types and a Managed Metadata field which uses the set field value in a rule.

        Once rule is triggered, if I click in an empty text field and click Save all works fine, but if I just click Save I get error:
        “Value cannot be null. Parameter name: Term Id”. (attached)

        If you can please provide a script that can click in a text field after rules are fired, this would help me seal the deal for DFFs SCA license purchase.
        Ask if you need more details?

      • #19787

          Hi Alexander,
          From further testing, are you able to provide a script to click out of the Managed Metadata box from a function in a Rule?
          The last field on the form is this “Doc” Managed Metadata field and it seems to work when I click on anywhere else on the form, then I click Save button.
          I’ve been Googling this and I was leaning towards a jQuery .focusout method, is that right?
          Your help is much appreciated.

        • #19813
          Alexander Bautz

            You can try adding this to your Custom JS and call the function from the “Run these functions / trigger these rules” in the rule:

            function focusOnTitle(){
                jQuery("#dffs_Title input:text").focus();
          • #19823

              Thank you Alexander that worked perfectly.
              I also changed it to use the filename column:

              jQuery("#dffs_FileLeafRef input:text").focus();

              SCA license purchase will follow shortly now that my Manager is impressed DFFS could do what Nintex Forms couldn’t.

              • This reply was modified 7 years ago by Brett.
            • #19838
              Alexander Bautz

                I’m glad we got it sorted 🙂


              • #22121
                Rick Cedergren

                  I’m having trouble setting the focus on form load to a people picker field. I tried the function above (as jQuery(“#dffs_Recipient input:text”).focus();) without success. Any thoughts as to why it is not working?

                  Thanks in advance.

                  • #22177
                    Alexander Bautz

                      I think the people picker input in earlier SP versions might actually be a div (with contenteditable property) – use the developer tools to inspect the field and change the selector to target the correct element.


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