Rules won't jump on change

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    • #17752

        I’ve poked and prodded at this for hours on end, now, and I cannot get it to work. For some reason, my rules will work to a certain point, but will not jump if true. This is not true for the initial rule, however, which will jump on load, but not on change.

        If I can get this working again, I can pitch the expense to my boss, I’m just saying… 😉

        • This topic was modified 7 years, 6 months ago by Deric.
      • #17765
        Alexander Bautz

          Which field types are you having trouble with? – I have fixed a few people picker field trigger quirks in the latest version and will hopefully get this posted before the weekend.


        • #17769

            It seems to be my choice fields (although I don’t have any rules set on other fields). The rule will function as designed, but then when it comes to jumping to another rule, it simply won’t. (again, this is only on change, load works fine.)

          • #17771
            Alexander Bautz

              Ah – I think I misunderstood – if it’s the “Stop and skip rules with higher index (on page load)” this is as stated in the name only on form load and will not work for “change”.

              Please let me know what you are trying to achieve.


            • #17775

                The initial load of the form has the user select from a drop down (debug shows that the rule for “Select” in the dropdown is functional, skipping to the end of the rules). Once the user selects their option, the rules dictated by that selection run, but stop, instead of jumping as they’re supposed to.

                Does that make sense?

              • #17777
                Alexander Bautz

                  Unfortunately the “jump to” will only work on load – I see in the output / debug that it lists “jump to”, but as the heading in the “stop and jump to” this setting is only used on load. This makes sense on load because all rules will be evaluated on load.

                  When you trigger a “change” – only the rule that is actually triggered will be evaluated, but you can call another rule from the rule in “Run these functions / trigger these rules” if you like.

                  Hope this clarifies it.


                • #17796

                    I’ve searched the forum exhaustively and I can’t seem to find the syntax to call another rule in the “Run these functions/trigger these rules” field. I’d like it to run the rule rather than trigger it.


                  • #17978
                    Alexander Bautz

                      Sorry, I missed you reply. You can call the rule by its “Rule friendly name” – just put it in the textarea.

                      Please note that the rule will be triggered as “true” and the conditions for triggering this rule will not be evaluated.


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