Rules issues introduced DFFS_v4.4.4.26_2020-03-17…

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    • #29182


        I have a stable PROD DFFS leveraging v4.4.4.23. When testing in DEV, I find that v4.4.426 introduces a number or Rules and Cascade issues – Rules that function perfectly with v23 are ineffective in v26, and a Cascade that functions perfectly with v23 is inconsistent in v26. (see versions at bottom…)

        I will describe an issue of Rules and Cascade, but there are other Rules and Cascades showing similar symptoms.

        In my case I have two linked rules:
        EqualorOver1Million: If the value of field [FutureContractValue] is >=1000000, then make [Est. Contract Savings] and [Contract Term] mandatory.

        Linked to that rule is:
        SoleSource: If the value of [Sourcing Approach] = “Sole Source” and Rule EqualorOver1Million is true, then make [Sole Source Reason] mandatory.

        This works in v23, but fails to set the mandatory fields in v26. Please see the attached screen-captures for illustration (screen-caps show Debug and in-form result). In both cases, Debug shows me that the Rules are returning the same, but in v26, the fields are not set to mandatory.

        Cascade: I have a Cascade of LOB to SubLOB. In v26, the first time one particular LOB is selected (last on list), the SubLOB field label is displayed, but the drop-down field is not displayed. If I then select another LOB, the SubLOB drop-down field is displayed correctly, and if I return to the LOB that had previously failed to display – it now displays correctly. The symptom (no display of SubLOB) occurs only on first pass.

        Currently, I am holding v26 in DEV only, and cannot release to PROD.

        As always, I appreciate your support and efforts!

        R’grds – Ben.
        Older STABLE Version information
        Custom DFFS-folder: DFFS_v4.4.4.23_2020-02-13
        DFFS Loader: v2
        DFFS frontend: – February 13, 2020
        DFFS frontend CSS: 4.53 / 4.53
        Autocomplete: 1.6.46 – February 13, 2020
        Cascading dropdowns: 3.7.34 – January 20, 2020
        jQuery: 1.12.4
        Lookup: 1.1.19 – October 27, 2019
        Resource management: 2.4.5 – August 29, 2019
        SPJS-Utility: 1.343 – February 02, 2020
        vLookup: 2.2.146 – February 13, 2020

        Newer UNSTABLE Version information
        DFFS Loader: v2
        DFFS frontend: – March 17, 2020
        DFFS frontend CSS: 4.56 / 4.56
        Autocomplete: 1.6.47 – March 10, 2020
        Cascading dropdowns: 3.7.35 – March 10, 2020
        jQuery: 1.12.4
        Lookup: 1.1.20 – March 10, 2020
        Resource management: 2.4.5 – August 29, 2019
        SPJS-Utility: 1.345 – March 17, 2020
        vLookup: 2.2.148 – March 17, 2020

      • #29187
        Alexander Bautz

          Thanks for the detailed description – I did make some changes to the side-by-side functionality in this version to fix another bug, but it looks like I introduced a few more on the way.

          I’ll look into it and fix it as soon as I can manage.


        • #29223
          Alexander Bautz

            I have published a new version that should fix this issue. Please let me know if you still have trouble.


          • #29227


              My testing of Rules in v4.4.4.27 shows that Rules are working as expected in reference to setting the red asterisk for mandatory fields.

              However, the issue with Cascade persists, with a slightly different symptom. To recap the previous symptom:

              Cascade: I have a Cascade of LOB to SubLOB. In v26, the first time one particular LOB is selected (last on list), the SubLOB field label is displayed, but the drop-down field is not displayed. If I then select another LOB, the SubLOB drop-down field is displayed correctly, and if I return to the LOB that had previously failed to display – it now displays correctly. The symptom (no display of SubLOB) occurs only on first pass.

              In v., the SubLOB field label NOR the SubLOB drop-down field itself is displayed the first time this particular LOB is selected. I’ve tried a number of troubleshooting steps without success (yeah – some are silly):

              • Changed the spelling of LOB so it is not at the end of the list – unsuccessful
              • Deleted a number of LOB records in source list – unsuccessful
              • Moved the Cascade source list to local ({currentsite} instead of /sites/blah-blah/listname) – unsuccessful
              • Removed flags e.g: hide empty dropdowns – unsuccessful
              • Removed rules on fields in Cascade – unsuccessful
              • Removed side-by-side positioning of fields – unsuccessful
              • Removed the default field value (“-select-“) – unsuccessful

              Unfortunately, I have very little to relate to you in reference to this symptom – I have no idea why this particular LOB is unique in displaying the symptom.

              Observations I can add:

              1. If I enter the form, and select the affected LOB, it does not display the SubLOB drop-down field. If I select another LOB (which may or may not have a SubLOB value) and then return to the affected LOB, it will display normally – this is all as described before. The new bit is that after I select the default (blank) selection, the problem LOB will ALWAYS fail to display the SubLOB drop-down menu.
              2. This symptom is only evident on the NewItem form, as LOB is a required field, and will always be populated when entering the EditItem form. Even if a SubLOB had not been selected when the item was saved, the SubLOB drop-down menu is displayed correctly.

              Please let me know what troubleshooting I can do to better isolate the problem. I

              R’grds – Ben.
              Version information
              DFFS Loader: v2
              DFFS frontend: – March 21, 2020
              DFFS frontend CSS: 4.57 / 4.57
              Autocomplete: 1.6.47 – March 10, 2020
              Cascading dropdowns: 3.7.36 – March 21, 2020
              jQuery: 1.12.4
              Lookup: 1.1.20 – March 10, 2020
              Resource management: 2.4.5 – August 29, 2019
              SPJS-Utility: 1.345 – March 17, 2020
              vLookup: 2.2.148 – March 17, 2020

              • This reply was modified 4 years, 11 months ago by BenR.
            • #29239


                I believe I have located the problem, and it was probably of my creation – in a previous troubleshooting session, I had hidden the SubLOB field in a rule. With v4.4.4.23, this didn’t affect the trouble LOB of my configuration, however, did in v4.4.4.26 and v4.4.4.27.

                I suspect subtle timing changes in code execution between different modules/features – Rules vs. Cascade, etc.

                At the end of the day, there is no action for you on this issue – it appears that v4.4.4.27 has indeed addressed my issues.

                As always, I sincerely appreciate your support and efforts!

                R’grds – Ben.

              • #29242
                Alexander Bautz

                  I’m glad you figured it out!

                  The reason for the field not showing in the latest version vs the previous is that I actually didn’t check to see if the field was hidden by a rule in the previous versions, but that check has been added to the latest version. This means that a field that is hidden in a DFFS rule will not show even if it is part of a cascading dropdown.

                  Best regards,

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