Rule set to trigger on change not firing

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    • #24019
      Carl E Tippins

        I saw where DFFS v57 was suppose to have fixed a bug where changing the value of a dropdown would not trigger a DFFS rule set to trigger on change. I’m still having this issue with v57 and v60 when a choice field is changed. The rule is not firing at all.

      • #24023
        Carl E Tippins

          Wanted to add, the last DFFS version I can use that does not have this issue is DFFS v48.

        • #24025
          Carl E Tippins

            I got the rule to fire. HOWEVER, in DFFS v48 the rule returns as true, in DFFS v60 the rule returns false. Same list, same DFFS setup. Only difference is the version of DFFS being used.

          • #24040
            Alexander Bautz

              Is this related to the SPJS-Lookup plugin? Can you show me some screenshots of your rules on this field, and your field like it show in the form so I can try and recreate the issue?

              Are you using some custom js to set the value in the field, or is it manually changed?


            • #24079
              Carl E Tippins

                We are not using SPJS-Lookup plugin for this form.
                1) New Form – As you can see from the debug rules section, the form on the right is using v48. The form on the left is using v60. Once the “Tier 2 (Portfolio)” is selected, the “MTM Information” section is suppose to display. As you can see, it does not using v60.
                Rule 19 – This rule is suppose to fire when “Tier 2 (Portfolio)” is selected.
                Rule 17 – Referenced in Rule 19. There are several Custom JS functions that run when this rule is executed. None of them effect the fields displayed under the “MTM Information” section.

              • #24086
                Alexander Bautz

                  Can you expand the rule 19 in the debugger output so I can see the details?


                • #24096
                  Alexander Bautz

                    I got one other report on an issue with the “change” trigger when using both the “Changed” and “Changed from initial value” on the same field – do you have both these triggers on this field?


                    • #24106
                      Carl E Tippins

                        Are you asking if both rules are triggered by a Field Change? If so, Yes.

                      • #24108
                        Alexander Bautz

                          There are two types of triggers – “changed” and “changed from initial value”. What I’m asking is if you have two or more rules triggering on this field with both types of change triggers.


                      • #24101
                        Carl E Tippins

                          Here’s the expanded debug for rule 19.

                        • #24104
                          Alexander Bautz

                            Thanks, did you use multiple rules with both “Changed” and “Changed from initial value” triggers on this field?


                          • #24110
                            Carl E Tippins

                              No, I don’t have multiple rules triggered using BOTH “changed” and “changed from initial value”.
                              I do have 5 rules where “Tier 2 (Portfolio)” – “is changed” is the trigger. (All of which are dependent on a linked ruled/function.) But there aren’t any rules where the trigger action is “is changed from initial value” for the field.
                              I hope that’s what your looking for.

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