Rule: readonly/editable based on peoplepicker

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    • #24421

        Sorry if this is an old question.
        Use case: I have an EDIT form with a people picker with multiple users and a dropdown.
        If the current user is one of from the people picker, dropdown field should shows as editable dropdown.
        If not, a read only value should show, a text label.
        I’m playing with the Rule, but missing visible field in Debug information.
        Advise is much appreciated

      • #24433
        Alexander Bautz

          Is the debug output from the rule in the first image?

          It might be an issue with the people picker field not being ready loaded when the rule evaluates value. Try to delay the loading of the form a little bit by adding for example 500 ms in the “Defer loading of DFFS” input in the misc tab.


        • #24435

            Thx Alex, 500ms delay helped. Debug now shows Visible fields in the message window.

            Back to original question on how to Toggle READONLY/VISIBLE field with the rule. With one rule, the field only shows (as editable) when the rule fires, and doesn’t show at all when rule doesn’t fire, even the field is listed on the TAB. Do I need to create a 2nd rule with opposite criteria and use ReadOnly fields there, or theres a way to accomplish Toggle with a single rule?

          • #24437

              adding snapshot with debug message. The field shows HIDDEN although it isn’t set hidden initially

            • #24443

                Got it figured out. The problem was that my INIT rule that set all fields READONLY was triggered on FORM IS READY instead of FORM LOADED. Switching the trigger event did the trick.

              • #24445
                Alexander Bautz

                  I’m glad you figured it out.


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