Potential Bug with Managed Metadata column

Home Forums Modern DFFS Potential Bug with Managed Metadata column

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    • #38000
      Travis Goodman

        Not sure maybe it’s a timing thing, but I doubt it. I’m on v1.0.64.

        I have a site column that is a managed metadata column with a term set. Works fine. After I setup the list, if I go in and later add a new term to the term set, then the new terms will not appear as options when I click the tag icon in the form. If I close the form and edit the list in grid view and select the cell, I can see the new terms that way, but not in the DFFS form.

      • #38006
        Alexander Bautz

          The solution uses this control to render the taxonomy picker: https://pnp.github.io/sp-dev-fx-controls-react/controls/TaxonomyPicker/

          My guess is that there is some caching built into the control. Have you tried opening a new fresh tab and see if it shows the new terms?


        • #38009
          Travis Goodman

            Yeah I’m seeing the options this morning. I know for a fact I tried a new tab, but I didn’t totally clear cache because I have a million tabs open, which is a “me” problem. We’re good Alex, thanks!

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