Multiline Rich Text Field

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    • #32011
      Danielle Arcuri

        Hello, two questions.

        1. I have a Multiline comment box set as Rich Text. When I save the item I can see my comments on the overall list view and on the Disp Form but when I go to edit the item in Edit Form the comments do not exist. Does DFFS not support Rich Text fields?

        2. I also attempted to add the rule to set field value of the rich text field to append changes using this code. append:{timestamp}: {currentUser:Title}<br> and the trigger set to “The form is initiated” and that does not work.


      • #32013
        Alexander Bautz

          DFFS supports enhanced rich text, but not the SharePoint 2007 / 2010 rich text. Just change the type to enhanced rich text and you should be good.

          Using the “append:” functionality should work, but you cannot use the built in SharePoint function to append changes (set in list settings for that field) as this will clear the field and just append the value below the textarea.


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