Home › Forums › Classic DFFS › Issues when upgrading to DFFS_v4.4.3.65_2019-03-31
- This topic has 22 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 5 years, 10 months ago by
Alexander Bautz.
April 17, 2019 at 21:17 #24885
I had been using this version: DFFS_2019-01-12
I upgraded two of my sites to this version: DFFS_v4.4.3.65_2019-03-31I am seeing issues with tabs and sections on tabs not showing/hiding correctly after this upgrade. The issue seems to be in this file: DFFS_v4.4.3.65_2019-03-31
When I went back to the version in DFFS_2019-01-12 everything works again. I’m not able to upgrade this file due to the issues. Before the upgrade everything was working perfectly. Should I be coding these in a different way to get them to work? -
April 17, 2019 at 21:31 #24889
This is most likely a bug and I’ll have to try to recreate this issue. Can you send me a dump of your list definition as described here: https://spjsblog.com/2019/04/13/copy-the-list-definition-to-a-file-when-filing-a-dffs-support-request/ and also send me a dump of the DFFS config for this list by exporting the config from the Import, Export and Restore tab in the DFFS config.
Also give me some more details of what is not showing and hiding as expected so I can try to recreate it when I load your list config.
You can email it to me on alexander.bautz@gmail.com
April 17, 2019 at 22:24 #24893
Attached are the files. I’m not sure of what all is not working, but I have it set so certain tabs hide based on a selection and that is not happening.
I have another list with an issue, but it had to do with certain headings on tabs not showing correctly.
April 18, 2019 at 09:33 #24899
Thanks, I’ll try to do some tests, but I’m away for the Easter holidays and might not be able to reply until the start of next week.
To make it easier for me to test it I need to know at least one example of what selection should hide what tabs (and fails in the new version) so I don’t have to spend so much time getting to know your form setup to find the issues.
April 18, 2019 at 21:50 #24907
Oh, have a nice Easter holiday! I am using the older version so no hurry on your fix. Thank you!
April 18, 2019 at 21:49 #24905
The “select” tab should hide when the FORMID field is equal to one of the following values: FORMID4, FORMID2, FORMID6, FORMID1, FORMID10
There is a corresponding tab that should become visible based on the value:
contentFORMID4, contentEnterpriseFORMID2, newsFORMID6, newsEnterpriseFORMID1, newCSBFORMID10Could you delete the files I attached from this post once you download them? I see I can delete them, but I don’t want to do this before you have a chance to get them.
April 23, 2019 at 07:25 #24947
I have looked at your config and from what I can see the problem is related to the fix in v4.4.3.63 that ensured all matching ruled on a specific trigger was triggered.Earlier there was a bug that throttled the execution of additional rules and effectively only executed the first matching rule even if you had multiple rules on the same field / trigger.
I see that this makes some problems with existing configurations, but the solution is to use the No reversing of this rule setting in the rule to ensure it only triggers when the rule is matched, and that it is not reversed when the rule is evaluated to false.
PS: You can also use the Disable reversing of all rules checkbox in the top of the rules tab to stop all reversion of rules that evaluate to false.
April 25, 2019 at 16:46 #25009
Thanks. I think I have been compensating for this for so long, I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong now. I will try your suggestion of disabling reversing and hopefully that does it. I thought the rules were reversing as expected.
April 25, 2019 at 19:13 #25013
I think you still have an issue with the new version. I have 4 rules set up for 4 different selections in a radio button field. Based on the order of my rules, only the last rule is displaying as expected. The 3 other rules above are sort of but not quite doing what they should, yet they are coded the same as the one that runs. When I re-order the rules and put a different rule last, it works, then the other 3 above don’t, even though I see them running in the debugger.
Also, I’m not able to get a rule to run on change in a people picker field, even though it allows me to create the rule – is this correct?
April 25, 2019 at 19:24 #25015
You might very well be right about that – can you email me a screenshot of each of the four rules so I can set it up in my test list and try to recreate?
You are using the latest version right?
April 25, 2019 at 20:37 #25021
Yes, I am using latest version trying to get what I did to work after upgrading from the January 2019 version.
I am not reversing anything and all are running on load and change.
I have a choice field that is a radio button with 4 values.
Rule 1: Not equal to any value, hiding some fields and headings
Rule 2: 3 required fields, 1 visible, 1 editable, 1 field set to a specific value, 2 visible heading (this one works)
Rule 3 & 4: 2 required fields, 1 read-only, 1 field set to a specific value, 1 visible heading (does make read-only field, does not show heading)
Rule 5: 2 required fields, 1 read-only, 1 field set to a specific value, 1 visible heading (this one works)When I move around 3, 4 or 5, which ever one is last works.
April 27, 2019 at 09:49 #25034
By “not reversing anything” do you mean that you have checked this box on all 5 rules?
April 27, 2019 at 14:47 #25047
That box is not checked.
April 27, 2019 at 15:55 #25052
OK – it must be checked for this to work properly in the new version.
I see that this causes a major challenge when updating existing forms where this setting has not been applied, but this is unfortunately not something I can easily change back.
The reason this behaves differently in this version is because I have fixed an error in the rule handling that actually skipped over some rules when checking multiple rules on the same field or same trigger.
If you like to try the new version despite this issue you can try using the “master switch” in the top of the rules tab to turn off all reversion for all rules – just check this box:
April 30, 2019 at 14:54 #25118
I would like to say disabling reversing of rules worked, but it did not. I am still seeing the first and last rules associated with the one radio button field working, but the second and third are not quite working. I really feel like I am chasing my tail to get this to work and I’m not sure what I’m doing wrong. I seem to get one thing to work, then something else breaks. It does not make sense how I should fix it.
April 30, 2019 at 15:27 #25127
Thanks for testing it again. I’ll look into it again to see if I’m able to recreate the issue and hopefully fix the error. Can I ask you to email me a screenshot of the rules you have configured for the radio button (in the DFFS backend) so I can set up a test with the exact same triggers and actions?
April 30, 2019 at 17:07 #25143
I would like to email you, but the firewall won’t let me do this. I don’t have access to this site inside the network anymore, so I won’t be able upload anything. I think that is why access to this site is blocked.
For this particular list, what I am seeing are rules being ignored for a radio button field when the rules are in between the first and the last rule. First and last are running perfectly, but the ones in-between are being ignored. It is like those values cannot be seen, it is very strange. Maybe it is user error because if no one else is having this issue, maybe I am doing it wrong – that is possible.
May 1, 2019 at 08:16 #25151
OK, hopefully we can sort out the blacklist issue, but I’ll look at Maciek’s site and hopefully this issue is related to what you experience and I’m able to figure out what is going on.
Best regards,
Alexander -
April 25, 2019 at 20:55 #25023
My apologies, I will try to continue testing this with you, but it has messed up other forms in this site a way I have no idea how to fix. I’m not sure if I will be able to upgrade to your March 2019 version anytime soon.
April 27, 2019 at 10:01 #25039
I’m sorry for the inconvenience. I’m looking into it and hopefully we can find out what’s causing the issue. If you like to try out the new version in only one form you can do that by “side-loading” the new DFFS version. Just download the new version and rename the DFFS folder to “DFFS_[version_data_of_release]” – for example “DFFS_2019-03-31” and then specify the folder name in this field:
You find this in the installation manual here: https://spjsblog.com/dffs/dffs-installation-manual/#Install_custom_version
April 27, 2019 at 14:47 #25049
Thanks, I do know how to do this, I just did not plan on having to fix so much.
April 30, 2019 at 19:39 #25145
I’m afraid I experienced issues with the latest version too in one of my biggest form with lots of rules.
Alexander I am happy to give you access to one of my test sites to see what’s actually happening.
I had to go back to to get the form working again. I just realised by reading this thread my form has gone wrong.
On my test site, you will be able to compare the same list, V1 and V2. V1 installed with older DFFS and V2 installed with the latest DFFS.
May 1, 2019 at 08:12 #25149
Yes, that would be very helpful – please email me the login details on alexander.bautz@gmail.com and tell what to look for when I compare the two lists so I know what kind of error you experience.Alexander
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