InternalFieldName error message saving Cascading Dropdowns configuration

Home Forums Cascading dropdowns InternalFieldName error message saving Cascading Dropdowns configuration

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    • #30446

      I’m new to cascading dropdowns but can’t find anything on this error so posting here. On save, I get the attached error message re: InternalFieldName not being correct. I rechecked that current list fields are set up correctly as either single line or multiline text fields. I’ve even deleted fields and recreated new fields with no success. Regardless of what I try to repair or change field list order, the second field in the list returns this error each time. What am I missing here?

    • #30449
      Alexander Bautz

        Take a look at the Fields tab and ensure the fieldinternalname is correct. If it is, go to list settings and ensure this fields is added to the content types you are using in this list.


        PS: I deleted the attachment because it had the URL of your site visible.

      • #30454

        Thank you for removing the image and for the quick response. The error was in using the wrong InternalFieldName and I wasn’t aware of the details being available on the Fields tab. The configuration saves now, but it’s not populating the lookup values. I’ve rechecked the field names/InternalFieldNames just in case, but assuming it’s another rookie mistake of something I’m overlooking.

        • #30456

          and it was a rookie mistake; found the issue in the string for the current list. Everything is working as expected now. Thanks again.

      • #30461
        Alexander Bautz

          I’m glad you got it sorted out!

          Best regards,

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