HTML and SharePoint field side-by-side

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    • #13518
      Adamya Kant

        Hi Alex

        I want one of my SharePoint Field and HTML to be aligned side by side in one of my Forms:

        Ex: {SharePointField1}{SharePointField2}{HTML}

        I am able to place HTML on the left but not in right side.

        How can I place HTML on right of SharePoint Fields.

      • #13563
        Alexander Bautz

          There is not built in method to do this, but you can do it like this. Add this to the Custom JS:

          function insertHTMLInSBS(){
              var html = "Put your HTML here";

          Change “YOURFIELDINTERNALNAME” with the name of the field you want to append to.

          Add the function name “insertHTMLInSBS” to the “Click function name” field in the tab where you want to use this functionality.

          Hope this helps,

        • #17447
          Michal Riha

            Hi Alexander,

            something was changed in DFFS, it is not working for me now with latest build: DFFS Backend v4.4.3.6|CSS version: 4.34 / |spjs-utility version: 1.307

            One year old dffs version is working.


          • #17502
            Alexander Bautz

              Sorry for the delay. I tested it now in my test site and *unfortunately* it works as it was meant to here. Could you post a few screenshots so I can try to recreate exactly the setup you have?


            • #17513
              Michal Riha

                Hi Alexander,

                I solved it by this:

                $("#dffs_YOURFIELDINTERNALNAME").find('td:last').after("<span>LABEL TEXT</span>");


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