This is the first time I’ve tried SPJS-Charts in a long while.
I am trying to display a single-line text column with Yes/No/blank answers in a Column Chart.
Using drop-down Filter with a default to Yes, I can get the chart to count the number of Yes results.
But I am unsure how to display both counts of Yes and No in the chart.
Do I have to convert the single-line text to a Yes/No column?
Also, is there a way to display the count results as percentages in the chart?
To display Yes, No and Blank in separate columns in a column chart you must specify Data Type = Split options in separate series for this field in the Datatable fields section. You might also want to group the data by this column (in the Group, sort and substitute tab).
The Yes/No is showing the same amounts. (file attached)
In the Group, sort and substitute tab:
Group by first column is ticked.
Aggregation function for all columns = Count.
Do I need to specificy an advanced grouping array?
Also, is there a preferred method to display the count as a percentages in a pie chart?
I see that this might be a bit confusing, but you must actually use “Sum” as the aggregation function for this grouping because of how the values are handled when splitting into separate series (0 = empty and 1 = filled).
I’m glad it worked out. Unfortunately the only documentation is what you find in this site – user manual, archives for articles and forum for other Q and A.