Hiding sbs_OuterTR_X still leaving Blank area on form

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    • #9361

        Just wondering what I am doing wrong. I have hidden side-by-side rows using the Hidden headings or elements as shown in the attachment.
        Using F12 I found that the white space on my form comes up as: sbs_fieldBody_X…..so I input that to be Hidden also. Why are my Rules leaving so much whitespace and how can I correct it?

      • #9374

          Is there another element within/around the whitespace that’s not hidden? You may need to hide this as well or modify how it displays.

          You could also try using CSS to set them to dispay:none; instead of visibility:hidden; though I don’t think that should make a difference.

          • This reply was modified 9 years, 2 months ago by Bloodlvst.
        • #9377

            I used to hide these using the Misc tab so they were hidden on open of the form and then make them visible through a rule. When hidden that way, everything was hidden. Somehow, using a Rule to hide them leaves unwanted whitespace.

          • #9382
            Alexander Bautz

              I cannot recreate this whitespace. You should only need to hide “sbs_OuterTR_xyz” and not “sbs_fieldBody_xyz” – where “xyz” is the ID of the sbs-group.

              Can you use the developer tools to inspect the whitespace are to see whats taking up this place? – right click it and select “inspect element”, then send me a screenshot of the dev tools screen.


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