Headers and Footers when printing DFFS (hide them with CSS?)

Home Forums Classic DFFS Headers and Footers when printing DFFS (hide them with CSS?)

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    • #23788
      Paul Lynch

        Hi Alex,

        Thanks to your code in previous post about printing I was able to get the print tab feature working!

        I know the print tab, prints a massive table. But it also includes the page header and footer.

        Is there any way to automatically strip out the header and footer?

        You can remove them as an option when you go to print (manually)

        I wondered if there was some @Media print CSS code I could add to get rid of them?

        Been trying and trying but no luck


      • #23803
        Alexander Bautz

          I’m glad you got the print sorted. Unfortunately I don’t think it is possible to remove the header and footer through JavaScript – this must be removed in the print preview dialog in the browser.


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