Get ID on New Item Save

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    • #25862

        Is there any way to get {ID} in newform to use in newform? I have emails setup to have a link in them along the lines of /site/list/DispForm.aspx?ID={ID} which worked like a charm in workflows, but I’m trying to use DFFS to replace as much workflow actions as possible since it’s quicker and more reliable. I tried to grab it in presaveaction, onbeforeunload, and onunload with no luck so far, is there any way at all to grab it to use in the email?

      • #25864
        Alexander Bautz

          Unfortunately you don’t have access to the ID until after the form is saved. What you should do is to format your link like this (note that the form must have DFFS for this to work, and you must have a field in the list with FieldInternalName “_DFFSID”):

          <a href="{viewitemlink}">Link to item</a>

          This will give you a link like this:


          When you get to your DispForm, DFFS detects the DFFSID query string parameter and gets the correct item by a query and then reloads the page with the correct ID.


        • #25874

            Awesome work-around, thanks.

          • #26063

              So not sure what is up with this right now, when I last responded it took me directly to the item but now both view and edit are taking me to a list view filtered to only the item, or all items with the same name. I tried this on 2 separate sites and they’re both taking me to a list view now for links from new items, did I mess something up?

            • #26069
              Alexander Bautz

                This is because you use an older version of DFFS. I don’t recall exactly when I changed this, but you find it in the change log.


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