Form not opening

Home Forums Classic DFFS Form not opening

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    • #32131
      Halim Lahoud

        I have DFFS installed on different Sharepoint sites and I am having a problem opening the forms.
        I have the DFFS installed on the lists but when I trying t access the forms the default SharePoint forms are opening and not the dffs.
        I had to access the dffs forms using the URL of each form.
        u will find attached
        1. the installation on the list
        2. the new form when I click on new
        3. the new form when I access to the dffs using the link /Lists/listname/NewForm.aspx

      • #32137
        Alexander Bautz

          Microsoft has made some breaking changes that requires that you either update to use the latest DFFS installer where this is accounted for, or you run this script in your site.


          • This reply was modified 4 years, 2 months ago by Alexander Bautz. Reason: Fixed link
        • #32138
          Halim Lahoud

            can you send me the script, please

          • #32140
            Alexander Bautz

              I included a link in my previous comment – are you not able to get it from there?


            • #32141
              Halim Lahoud

                Sorry but I am unable to get the script from the link that you included in your comment

              • #32144
                Alexander Bautz

                  I’m sorry, I somehow managed to post the wrong link (it was in my clipboard from a previous reply) – I have now fixed the link in my original reply above.


                • #32145
                  Halim Lahoud

                    Thank you for your support.

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