Dynamically add new documents to folder

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    • #8086

        Currently building a solution where the initiator needs to upload documents in the DFFS edit form. Utilizing vLookup to add documents and push hidden metadata to the secondary library works beautifully. However, when the user clicks add new document using the vLookup function, SharePoint gives them the option to upload multiple documents on the default upload page. If they select this option, vLookup can no longer push this hidden metadata and these documents do not show in the vLookup. However, if you go directly to the library, select the folder and add a new document from the library page you will notice the upload URL contains the Folder name and prefills the “select folder” field. Since vLookup shows items nested within a folder that has been tagged with the correct metadata, we want to dynamically force the “add new” link in vLookup to add a value to the upload page URL with the right folder name. In this way, any document uploaded (single or multiple) will still show up in our edit form.

        Here’s the proposed process flow:
        1. Initiator opens newForm and saves item
        2. Form redirects to the Edit form and triggers Create folder workflow
        3. Create folder workflow gives the parent item a unique identifier and creates a folder in a SharePoint Library with that same value as its name.
        4. On Edit form, user sees folder with unique ID name in vLookup.
        5. User clicks add new item link
        6. Add new link opens a popup window to the upload document page with the folder parameter in the URL.

        Is it possible to configure step 6 into vLookup? Happy to clarify or send pictures (privately) as needed.

        • This topic was modified 9 years, 5 months ago by avala. Reason: clarification
      • #8096
        Alexander Bautz

          Yes it is. I’ll add it to the next release (sometime later this week).


          • #8098

              You’re the best, sir!

            • #8109

                While you’re working on it 😉 I also see an application for setting a parameter on the Add New link to take advantage of the CaseStatus solution to direct the link to an alternate newForm. Any chance you can work that in easily?

            • #8225
              Alexander Bautz

                Check out the latest BETA of DFFS and vLookup to find the new upload to folder (when hovering over a folder).

                Let me know if you have any questions.

                I’m not sure I understand your last request (August 11) – can you clarify?


                • #8226

                    Thanks, Alexander- looking forward to it. This last request is most likely exempt with the lates vLookup update. For clarification though, the request was this:

                    Is it possible to modify the “add new item” link in vLookup to specify which version of a DFFS Newform would open? This is in reference to the DFFS: Multiple variations on one form post in May of 2015. For example, if I were to add an item to a list using a standard SharePoint Add New process I see one version of the form, but if I used a vLookup “add new” I would see a different version of the form.

                    Again, I think the recent updates take care of this problem for us. Please let me know if you need further clarification.

                • #8228
                  Alexander Bautz

                    This should be possible by using the “URL” option in the “Prefill values in child” settings. Hover over the help icon for details.


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