Documents Libraries and vLookup

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    • #9908
      Gerard Graham

        Apologies if this is a stupid question, but how do you apply metadata to folders via vLookup? Since I can’t create columns that apply to the Folder content type I created a new content type that had the column I wanted but I can’t get vLookup to set the content type to allow the metadata to be set.

        Is it necessary to use content types? Is there another way of adding metadata to folders that I’m missing.

        Also, it is possible to automatically untick the Add as new version check box?

        Thanks in advance


      • #9930

          Hi Graham

          I’ve not used folders for a while so may be mistaken, but I don’t think you need to do anything special with columns on the folder – simply set it up in the vlookup config page, and the metadata you define will be applied to the default folder content type. It’s a bit like magic – when you check you’ll see the metadata applied even though there are no predefined columns to “receive” it.

          For the add as new version check box question – is this post what you’re looking for?;


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