Displaying total against the grouped field

Home Forums vLooup for SharePoint Displaying total against the grouped field

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    • #8460
      Gerard Graham

        Hi there

        I have a child list (grandchild actually) holding staff and days allocated against outputs for a project. I’d like to display the unique staff names and the total of days allocated across all the outputs. I’ve got this working to an extend by grouping the Days field under the Staff name with the days total sitting under each name. (see attached)

        Is it possible to display the total beside the name? Is there another way than using the Group By option?



      • #8462
        Gerard Graham

          Also meant to ask will it ever be possible to allow a multi-level group by option e.g. by staff and by output in the example above.

        • #8481
          Alexander Bautz

            Are there more than one “line” in the list for each employee?

            I’ll consider adding grouping in multiple levels, but this is a bit tricky. You might have to use a custom function to create the output you like. If you have the necessary JavaScript knowledge, you might be able to use the data object returned from vLookup in a custom function? – look here for information: https://spjsblog.com/vlookup-for-sharepoint/vlookup-user-manual/#Accessing_the_vLookup_data_object


          • #8484
            Gerard Graham

              Hi there

              Yes, there are multiple lines per employee in the list. I’d be filtering for a single project and summing employee hours for all outputs for that project.

              As for Javascript knowledge – nil.

              I can pull a spreadsheet for the list and use a pivot table to get the information I need so I do have a way, but in the vlookup would be better.



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