DFFS Modern

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    • #36756
      Jorah Lavin

        Hi, Alexander

        I have a coworker, Wendi, who has DFFS Modern installed on a SP Online site. When she opens the DFFS interface, rather than getting the usual available fields, she sees dozens of system fields, to the point where scrolling (much less deleting) the fields takes a long time. When she saves and closes DFFS and tries starting a new item, the browser strobes once and then just resets to the plain list view. She can’t see the New Item form. We tried uploading 1.0.13 over 1.0.19, and it ‘fixed’ the issue for new lists, but not for lists she’d already set up views on.

        Sadly, we can’t upgrade to the newest version of DFFS, so there is likely nothing you can do, but we wanted to let you know about it.

      • #36757
        Alexander Bautz

          Yes, there was a bug in v1.0.18.0 and v1.0.19.0 – it is fixed in v1.0.20.0.

          If you are unable to open the form to edit the configuration you can open the configuration list directly on this address: /sites/your_current_site/lists/DFFSConfigurationList

          Locate the correct list and form and delete that record. Now you can recreate the form.

          Why can’t you upgrade to the latest version – are there any specific reasons?


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