DFFS configuration

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    • #32942
      Halim Lahoud

        I had DFFS installed and configured on a SharePoint site but we had to change the URL of the site.
        after changing the URL I am getting errors on the DFFS forms.
        any solution on how I can fix this problem without loosing the configuration done on the lists

        thank you in advance

      • #32944
        Alexander Bautz

          To fix a breaking change that Microsoft introduced late last year I had to change the DFFS installer to write the default NewForm, DisplayForm and EditForm URL to the list schema. This means that changing the URL of a list requires that you use the DFFS installer v2.0.1.0 or later to uninstall and then reinstall DFFS to this list.

          In addition to this uninstall and reinstall you must go to the list /Lists/SPJSDynamicFormsForSharePoint to find your configs for NewForm, DispForm and EditForm and change the Title to match the new list URL.


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