Commas rendered in HTML section

Home Forums Classic DFFS Commas rendered in HTML section

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    • #24607

        I have a HTML section defined via variable (HTML table).
        The page shows several commas in front of my table. There is no commas returned by the variable.
        What Im missing?

        • This topic was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by Leonid.
      • #24613
        Alexander Bautz

          How are you creating the variable? – my guess is that it is an array, and you need to ensure it is a string.


        • #24619

            Alex, dead on! That was the faulty behavior of .join() vs .join(“”). Thanks for the pointer!

            I posted another question in a different thread. Is there a way to get user’s name by email address without a people-picker field?

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