Child fields not appearing in Parent consistently

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    • #31601


        All was working fine – but now the Child records are not appearing in the Parent Display form or the Parent List view on a consistent basis. Adding new Parent records and then Children works fine but when adding Children to pre-exising (older) Parent records the Child is created in the Child list but it is not shown in the Parent Display form or List view.

        I’ve re-created the vLookup configuration and updated DFFS to latest – all to no avail.

        Thanks for your help,

        • This topic was modified 4 years, 5 months ago by MikeS.
      • #31609
        Alexander Bautz

          How are you connecting the items? – if you are using _vLookupID <> _vLookupParentID it is most likely because your older records does not have the _vLookupID value filled in.

          This will be auto-filled if you edit the records, but you can also just fill it in with an unique value in datasheet / quick edit.


        • #31622

            99 percent of the records are added to the Parent list via MS Access from an external data set (back end approach). This bypasses the Add form in the Parent list. I would like users to add Child records using the Parent Display form for security reasons. However, one is required to open and save a Parent record to add a unique _vLookupID and THEN add the Child record (using Display form) for it to appear in the Parent record Display form.

            Using the DFFS Edit form outright eliminates the extra Edit step as the _vLookupID gets added in the Edit form and then the Child record appears in the Display form.

            HOWEVER, I cannot see the Child record in the List view for those records added using the back end and then edited with the Edit form. The _vLookupID is present for the Parent record, the Child record is in the Parent Display form but nothing in the Parent list view. Why is that?

            Two questions:
            1. Any way to add a unique _vLookupID when records are added without using the New form?
            2. Over 1700 existing Parent records need a _vLookupID.
            2. Your comment: “How are you connecting the items? – if you are using _vLookupID <> _vLookupParentID it is most likely because your older records does not have the _vLookupID value filled in.” implies a different way to connect records? Is that a possibility and would it obviate the above issue?

            Thanks for your help,

          • #31636
            Alexander Bautz

              If your parent records are already made and you are only adding child records in DispForm you can use the ID column of the parent record and pass this to the child records _vLookupParentID (replace _vLookupID with ID in the example).

              Not sure what you mean by not working in a list view – are you using vLookup in the list view, and it tells you “No items found” (or whatever message you specified for no child items found in the config), or are you just including the vLookup-field in a view and find it empty?


            • #31638

                I had forgotten to insert a reference to the file: vLookup_ListView.html in a Content Editor web part on various List views and that was why the Child records were not appearing in the List.

                Using the ID did not work for me consistently. I will have users add Child records to the Parent while in the Parent Edit form. That works for older records every time.

                Follow-on question: Can a rule reference a SharePoint list of names (rather than a SharePoint Permission Group) as a Trigger? Or is there a JS function that could provide this while also allowing a CAML filter for a subset of names in that list?


              • #31643
                Alexander Bautz

                  I’m not sure I understand why using the ID did not work – can you show me a few screenshots of you configuration for this vLookup field?

                  I’m sorry, but I don’t understand your forllow-up questions – can you please clarify what you mean?


                • #31645

                    Screenshots with ID in two areas of vLookup configuration are attached. With this setup the Child is created but it never appears in the Parent form or Parent List view. This applies to new or older records. The Child _vLookupParentID is the same as the Parent ID with this setup.


                  • #31654
                    Alexander Bautz

                      In the “Search value” field you cannot just type ID – this will be the actual text “ID”. Change it like this:



                    • #31656

                        That fixes everything!

                        Thanks for your help,

                      • #31667
                        Alexander Bautz

                          I’m glad it worked out – and thanks for your donation!

                          Best regards,

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