CCDD no longer working with DFFS Installer

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    • #14638


        I just tried to update to the latest version of DFFS for an Office365 site.
        Everything works fine with the JSLink version, but when I try to use the installer, my CCDD doesn’t work anymore:(

        I did some testing and noticed, it only doesn’t work with field type lookup – if I chance the looked up field to a normal text type it does work though.

        Ok my scenario looks like this:
        Site on O365, DFFS is in the SPJS Folder in the Root SiteCollection
        List 1 (Gesellschafter) has only the title field filled (Title)
        List 2 (Depots) has the title field filled in and another column as a lookup to List 1 to show that title field. (Title, Gesellschafter)
        In DFFS I configured one CCDD as shown in the pic CCDDConfig.
        This works fine with the JSLink version of DFFS but I get an error with the installer. (The error message is in german since it is a german site I guess.)

        Was this removed on purpose?


        Best regards,

        • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Artaker.
        • This topic was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Artaker.
      • #14656
        Alexander Bautz

          Sorry for the delay. I have changed the query from the old webservice request to a REST call on office 365 and didn’t think of the possibility of using a lookup column as source.

          When using a lookup column as source I think you must append “Id” to the field name. If I understood correctly “Gesellschafter” is a lookup column in the “source list” and this means you must use “GesellschafterId” as column name.

          Could you try this and let me know how it works out?

          If you need to get it working you can roll back the file “/SPJS/DFFS/plugins/spjs-casc.js” to the one found in your JSLink installation (or any version before v3.6).


        • #14664


            Thanks for the info.
            I configred the CCDD like in the pic: Now the choice field itself doesn’t through an error any more but the second fiel is not filled. (I removed the readonly rule for testing)
            Debugging console (f12) shows the following error:
            SCRIPT438: Das Objekt unterstützt die Eigenschaft oder Methode “match” nicht
            spjs-casc.js (495,4)
            (literally translated: the object doesn’t support the property or method “match”.)

            Best regards,

          • #14671

              Another thing I had to notice today. While I only installed the DFFS through the installer on one list (and right after installing the CCDD on the other lists still worked fine), today none of the CCDDs in any list worked any more. (Same error, all of them)
              Sadly just uninstalling the DFFS from this one list didn’t help either, I had to downgrade to my last working version.

              Could you please let me know how to configure this changed CCDD, so i can get the same results as before?


              best regards,

              • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Artaker.
            • #14705
              Alexander Bautz

                Sorry for the delay. You can replace the current version of the SPJS-Cacs.js plugin in the “/SPJS/DFFS/plugins” folder with the previous version if you want to use the new DFFS version while I investigate what causes the error.

                I have uploaded a new version where I have tried to address this issue – you find it here

                Please let me know if you are able to test this version.


              • #15003

                  Thank you for helping with this.

                  The reason why my lists are connected this way is, that I used the SPServices.SPCascadeDropdowns function in the beginning which required lists like that. (At least the tutorials I used for it told me so.)

                  Thanks again


                  • This reply was modified 8 years, 2 months ago by Artaker.
                • #16838

                    I don’t know why the solution isn’t posted here, I thought I did.

                    After getting the latest version and configuring the CCDD to lookup fields (in the looked up list) it worked perfectly fine.

                    Thanks for making this happen


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