Cascading Menus – force one item to bottom of list…

Home Forums Cascading dropdowns Cascading Menus – force one item to bottom of list…

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    • #35007


        Hello – I hope you are well.

        I would like to create a Cascading Menu, where on Tier-1, a specific item is forced to the bottom of the list.

        I have about 50 items, for which an Alphabetic list is great, however, I have one item – “Other” – which I would like to force to the bottom of the list… How can I do this? The client does not accept a character in front of the value to force it to do so.

        What can I do to sort all items alphabetically and yet force this one item, Other, to the bottom of the list?

        As always, we appreciate your support and efforts!

        R’grds – Ben.
        Version information
        Custom DFFS-folder: DFFS_v4.4.5.35_2021-10-31
        DFFS Loader: v2
        DFFS frontend: – October 31, 2021
        DFFS frontend CSS: 4.64 /
        Autocomplete: 1.6.52 – April 25, 2021
        Cascading dropdowns: 3.7.48 – September 22, 2021
        jQuery: 1.12.4
        Lookup: 1.1.20 – March 10, 2020
        Resource management: 2.4.5 – August 29, 2019
        SPJS-Utility: 1.354 – October 15, 2021
        vLookup: 2.2.162 – October 12, 2021

      • #35028
        Alexander Bautz

          You can use custom sorting as shown here:

          Please note that you must add the function call to built the cascading dropdown in your Custom JS (not in the Cascading dropdown tab) and that you must add the spjs.casc.customSort function above the spjs.casc.init function call.

          If your first field in the current list (the first dropdown) has internal name “Level1” and the option you want to put last is “A” you use it like this.

          spjs.casc.customSort.Level1 = function(a, b) {
              // Put A last in the dropdown
              if(a.text === "A" || b.text === "A"){
                  return -1;
              // Normal alphabetic sorting
              if(a.text < b.text){
                  return -1;
              if(a.text > b.text){
                  return 1;
              return 0;


        • #35034


            I’m only part way successful. I have removed the this particular Cascade from the Cascading Dropdown tab, and manually invoked from the Custom JS tab. (Should I mention that I have two other Cascades specified in the Cascading Dropdown tab?).

            The cascade works, however the sort seems not to have an affect – the list still follows standard alphabetic sort.

            This is what I have assembled… The letter I would like to force to the bottom of the list is “O”, and tier-1’s internal name is “Title”

            //Manual invocation of Cascade for ProductLineL1
            spjs.casc.customSort.Title = function(a, b) {
                // Put O last in the dropdown
                if(a.text === "O" || b.text === "O"){
                    return -1;
                // Normal alphabetic sorting
                if(a.text < b.text){
                    return -1;
                if(a.text > b.text){
                    return 1;
                return 0;
             "dropDownDefaultvalue":"- Select - ",
             "multichoiceDelimiter": ";" + String.fromCharCode(13, 10), // this represents a semicolon and a linefeed

            Does this look right?

            As always, your support and efforts are appreciated!

            R’grds – Ben.

            • #35036
              Alexander Bautz

                You must use the full text “Other” and not just “O” and the name of the first “thisListFields” and not “lookupListFields” – something like this:

                spjs.casc.customSort.ProductLineL1 = function(a, b) {
                    // Put Other last in the dropdown
                    if(a.text === "Other" || b.text === "Other"){
                        return -1;
                    // Normal alphabetic sorting
                    if(a.text < b.text){
                        return -1;
                    if(a.text > b.text){
                        return 1;
                    return 0;


            • #35038


                Very good – now the sort is modified, but “Other” is moved to the top of the list instead of at the bottom.

                Is there another tweak you can recommend?

                R’grds – Ben.

              • #35040
                Alexander Bautz

                  Try changing -1 to 1 here:
                  if(a.text === “Other” || b.text === “Other”){
                  return 1;

                • #35042


                    YES! Success!

                    Thank you for your patience – I know you support many users, but you stayed with me and guided me to success.

                    Stay well, R’grds – Ben.

                  • #35048
                    Alexander Bautz

                      I’m glad it worked!


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