Can’t add multiple documents

Home Forums vLooup for SharePoint Can’t add multiple documents


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    • #28259

        I don’t know what I’m doing wrong, but in my vlookup configuration, I checked the “add new folder” item, but on my newform when I click that button all that happens is a single line text field shows up and that’s it. I thought it was supposed to open a folder in the child library? Can someone point me in the right direction?

        • This topic was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Therman.
      • #28280
        Alexander Bautz

          This is used to create a new folder and you are supposed to enter the name of your folder in that field and hit the OK button to create it. The new folder will show in your vLookup table and you can hover over it and click the icon to the right to open the folder.


        • #28286

            Nice! That worked. Thanks. When I click the up arrow next to the folder, it brings up an upload screen. However, when I click the open folder a pop-up shows up real quick and then goes away. Do you know what that could be?

          • #28298
            Alexander Bautz

              Was the folder created successfully so you can see it in the vLookup table?

              I’m not sure what could cause that behavior – which browser are you using? – does it work in the same way in another browser?


            • #28538

                Works the same in both browsers and yes the folder was created successfully.
                When it first happened a JavaScript error window appeared. I didn’t capture that message. I’ll replicate the issue and get the error message to you.

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