Cannot hide tabs in Edit

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    • #24756

        Very strange issue, I’ve used DFFS for multiple sites and never had his happen before. For some reason I cannot hide tabs via rules in the edit settings. Hiding tabs works in the new form but the same rules won’t work in edit. My initial theory was that this was due to how I had some tabs set to hide on the new form so I took that setting off and hid those tabs via a rule in new, but hiding tabs still does not work in edit. Any way to fix this?

      • #24761
        Alexander Bautz

          I don’t think I have seed this before. Which version of DFFS are you using? Do you see any error messages if you hit F12 and select Console and reload the form?

          Could it be that you have other rules that interfere and show the tabs because of the default rule-reversing? – if so, try checking the No reversing of this rule in the rule trigger settings.


        • #24763

            I’m using Dynamic Forms for SharePoint DFFS Backend v4.4.3.58|CSS version: 4.46 / |spjs-utility version: 1.328

            All I get for new form and edit form in the main page and DFFS side is “jquery.js:4 [Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help, check”

            There aren’t any rules that would reverse tab the visibility.

          • #24765

              Just to test I added a basic rule in display to hide tabs on form initiation and it worked fine there. This gave me he idea to disable all rules in edit and make the same rule, and it worked. I’m going to go through and enable rules until I figure out which one is the issue.

            • #24767

                It looks like the rules were being effected by later rules that were not triggered. A rule set to effect tab visibility if a field “Status” was set to “Pending” would only work below a rules set to effect tab visibility if a field “Status” was set to “Approved”, which cannot trigger at the same time. Alerts in the untriggered rules didn’t fire so I’m not sure why the visibility settings are conflicting.

              • #24769
                Alexander Bautz

                  Did you try checking the “No reversing of this rule” options in the rule trigger? This will prevent the reversing of the rule actions when the rule is evaluated to “false”.

                  See the “Reversing of rules” section in the top of the rules tab for more details.


                • #24771

                    Has zero effect on the conflicting tab settings. Just had a user point out a similar issue with a rule on another site that was already set to no reversing. I’m going to work around this issue by using functions on these rules to toggle visibility since the tabs settings conflict for rules that are not triggered.

                  • #24775
                    Alexander Bautz

                      OK, it might very well be a bug – could you email me the “blob” exported from the Import, Export and restore tab so I can have a look at it and try to recreate it?


                    • #24782

                        Completely separate topic, when I load a DFFS site in iFrame it sits loading (the spinning animation on the stripped background) for a long time, but once it gets to the “This took forever!” message I can click it off and the rules work correctly. Is there a way to prevent the loading issue?

                      • #24788
                        Alexander Bautz

                          Thanks, I’ll look at these later and get back to you.

                          Regarding your second question: Please hit F12 to bring up the developer tools and select “Console” – then reload the page. Do you see any error messages?


                        • #24794

                            Same thing as above;

                            DEPRECATED: jquery.autocomplete.js – See
                            batch.js?locale=en-GB&build-number=5639:212 Creating iframes
                            batch.js?locale=en-GB&build-number=5639:212 DEPRECATED: getArrowPath – See
                            batch.js?locale=en-GB&build-number=5639:212 DEPRECATED: getArrowPath – See
                            batch.js?locale=en-GB&build-number=5639:165 [Deprecation] Synchronous XMLHttpRequest on the main thread is deprecated because of its detrimental effects to the end user’s experience. For more help, check
                            send @ batch.js?locale=en-GB&build-number=5639:165
                            ajax @ batch.js?locale=en-GB&build-number=5639:160
                            processSuggestionApps @ batch.js?locale=en-GB&highlightactions=true&hostenabled=true:5296
                            (anonymous) @ batch.js?locale=en-GB&highlightactions=true&hostenabled=true:5296
                            j @ batch.js?locale=en-GB&build-number=5639:29
                            add @ batch.js?locale=en-GB&build-number=5639:29
                            ready @ batch.js?locale=en-GB&build-number=5639:16
                            init @ batch.js?locale=en-GB&build-number=5639:15
                            j @ batch.js?locale=en-GB&build-number=5639:12
                            updateDropdown @ batch.js?locale=en-GB&highlightactions=true&hostenabled=true:5296
                            j @ batch.js?locale=en-GB&build-number=5639:29
                            fireWith @ batch.js?locale=en-GB&build-number=5639:31
                            c @ batch.js?locale=en-GB&build-number=5639:155
                            b @ batch.js?locale=en-GB&build-number=5639:167
                            XMLHttpRequest.send (async)
                            send @ batch.js?locale=en-GB&build-number=5639:166
                            ajax @ batch.js?locale=en-GB&build-number=5639:160
                            getLinks @ batch.js?locale=en-GB&highlightactions=true&hostenabled=true:5296
                            h.AppSwitcher @ batch.js?locale=en-GB&highlightactions=true&hostenabled=true:5296
                            initialise @ Becca’s+js+testing:192
                            (anonymous) @ Becca’s+js+testing:197
                            (anonymous) @ Becca’s+js+testing:201
                            22Resource interpreted as Document but transferred with MIME type image/gif: “<URL>”.

                            • This reply was modified 5 years, 10 months ago by becca.
                          • #24820
                            Alexander Bautz

                              It’s hard to tell from only the text – are there any red errors with a link to the code that can give a clue to what is preventing the DFFS script to complete loading?

                              I will be a bit messy to handle both questions here so please create a new topic for following up on the second question.

                              Then back to the first problem with the hiding of the tabs: I need to recreate your list to be able to test the DFFS blob you sent. Please send me or attach the list fields definition as described here:


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