Calling an action more than once inside a rule

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    • #38146
      Amal Vellappillil

        Hi Alex,

        I see that I am not able to add an action that has already been added to a rule.
        Sample use cases:
        – Send multiple emails
        – Call multiple functions

        I understand I could call one function and may be call multiple functions from within that function, however, it would have been nice to this from the UI itself.
        For email, the work around I found was to duplicate the same rule and send the second email. Repeat this process for all the emails I need to send. This could be used for calling multiple functions as well.

        I wanted to check and see if there were any methods of getting this done other than the workarounds mentioned above. If not, may be it can be a feature to be added to the upcoming releases?

        Thank you,
        Amal Vellappillil

      • #38147
        Alexander Bautz

          Sending multiple emails can be done – just click “Add” below the first one to add another.

          I’ll add similar functionality to the “Call a function” step.

          As mentioned earlier I’m not able to recreate the issue you reported earlier regarding setting a people picker and using that people picker in an email – could you email me some more information (screenshots) so I can replicate the exact same setup as you have?


        • #38148
          Amal Vellappillil

            I have attached two screenshots where you can see i dont have the “Call Function” action or “Prepare Email” option after those actions have already been added to a rule.

            I may have missed your reply about the other topic. I didnt see any updates in their. I will try to upload some screenshots to help explain the issue better.

          • #38151
            Alexander Bautz

              Add a new email using the button shown in the attached image.

              Regarding the other issue: I cannot find my reply – something must have failed when I posted it. I’ll reply again in the other topic.


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