Align SBS Field Label

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    • #30416
      John Garrido

        How can we force the SBS Field Labels to align? For example, I have the first SBS in a row with a label that takes up 3 lines, the second SBS that takes up 1 line, and the third SBS that takes up 2 lines. I would like the SBS Field Labels to stretch in the same row, so they are all the same height. I don’t want to set an actual, so it can be dynamic.

      • #30424
        Alexander Bautz

          It’s hard to understand without a seeing it – can you add a screenshot to show me how it looks?

          Please remember to mask any sensitive data.


        • #30427
          John Garrido

            In my example, the first row is aligned correctly. The second row’s alignment needs to be adjusted where the inputs are inline. I would like this to be automatic throughout the form and don’t want to set a required height for the field label. Thanks for taking a look.

          • #30433
            Alexander Bautz

              It’s unfortunately not built in way to automate this so you must either use custom js to sniff the height of the tallest and loop trough all the other labels in the row to set the height, or you can use this Custom CSS to set the height for this row of side-by-side fields:

              #sbs_InnerTR_12345 .sbs_formLabel{
                  height: 55px;

              Replace 12345 with the side-by-side index of this line – and adjust 55px to a higher number if it doesn’t line up.


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